Monday, January 19, 2009

I Bought an iPhone and it Hasn't Changed My Life

Suffering from a bout of what I call "Consumerus Enviousness" (yes I make up words) I went out and made a spurious consumer purchase today and bought the new iPhone.

Actually the purchase wasn't so spurious as I had been contemplating getting one for some time. Most of my coffee clatch friends had one and I felt antiquated and out of touch with my Treo 700w. That phone was so two years ago. I do admit being behind the technological curve but I did have an excuse in that my contract with Verizon had to run out first. These cell phone contracts are starting to resemble marriage covenants .

I have been told by some of my friends that have purchased this phone that it has changed their life. Thinking that they were exaggerating some of my friends showed me all the cool applications on the phone and I had to say some of those applications looked pretty good indeed. I have to admit that I like that Shazam application that can pluck song out the air and tell what they are. All these years of singing "Bathroom on the Right" when the lyrics were "Bad moon on the rise". You can also download free applications that make fart noises but I have to admit I can do that pretty well on my own and sometimes even fart on command (See crude You Tube Video). I guess I was expecting a flood of convenience and omniscience but it just hasn't happened yet.

If this phone does not change my life can I take it back and claim Steve Jobs has let me down?

I will wait a while and see what develops but for now I can tell you my life is pretty much the same as where it was before I bought this miraculous device. ◦