Saturday, May 16, 2009

Thank You from Chris Carbine

Here is a thank you note form Chris Carbine, candidate for City Council:

Chris Carbine sends Thanks

The results from the May 12th election are in and while we came up short of our goal for a seat on the city council, the experience has blessed me in ways I never imagined when I first began the filing process back in February. For those blessings I have many folks I need to thank.

First among them are my supporters. From my friends and family, who helped me gather signatures, to everyone who gave of their time or resources, to every citizen of Hoboken who honored me with their vote on Tuesday: you have my eternal gratitude and thanks. It was your encouragement and support that inspired me to press on when my legs were sore and the odds were long.

Second, I would like to thank and congratulate both of the co-sponsors of the OLG candidates forum, the Hoboken People for Open Government and the Hoboken Quality of Life Coalition, as well as the Stevens Political Awareness committee for hosting its forum. Both forums were carried out in a first class manner for one purpose: to keep the citizens of Hoboken informed. I can think of no greater public service an organization can perform for its community during an election.

These campaigns are hard work and they can be taxing on the family lives and finances of those who run. With that in mind, I want to thank all the candidates who invested their time and energy in running for City Council and Mayor and for putting forth their vision. While I understand some of the results are still in question, I know at the very least I am on firm footing in congratulating the three leading city council candidates: Carol Marsh, Ravinder Bhalla and Dave Mello for their impressive showing. Likewise I would like to congratulate Dawn Zimmer and Peter Cammarano for their hard fought victories Tuesday night and placement in the run-off.

However the remainder of the ballot shakes out, I have met all of the candidates and know that all six City Council slots on the ballot will be filled by bright individuals who care about our City. Good luck to both Mayoral candidates and all six City Council candidates as the campaign begins anew. I think it will be one about ideas.

- Chris Carbine

Independent Cadidate for City Council at Large ◦