Monday, December 14, 2009

How much is Hoboken's Leading Website Worth?

A reader suggested an idea to gauge of what a leading website like Hoboken411 would be worth. It turns out there are a few tools out there on the web to help you get an idea. These tools are just estimates  and use what one could hypothetically earn based on the traffic and prevailing ad rates.

"" is worth $49,296  According to
 Pageviews per day: 26,943
Daily revenue from ads: $70
Host Name:
Host IP:
Google Page Rank: 3
Google Backlinks: ~ 0
Yahoo Inlinks: 72,230
Alexa Ranking: 111,921
Alexa Links: 244

How accurate is ValuateMySite?
ValuateMySite estimates the number of visits that a website has based on offsite factors like backlinks, Alexa Rank etc. ValuateMySite does not have access to log files or any counter information. The number of visits that ValuateMySite estimates gives you an idea of the number of visits that a website has, but not the exact visitor number.

Observation: Given the $70 a day estimate of revenue from ads that works out to about $25,550 a year in standard ad revenue. I do think this is low since that site also gets political ads (at a higher rate) as well as any other sponsorship and possible free meal comps that are on top of normal media ad revenue.

And just to cement the point home, here is another website
that comes up with these figures.....

"" is worth $45,564 According to

Text Link Advertising
If the site sells 8 links, you could earn approximately $159 monthly selling text links on your site.

Product Placements
Website could earn approximately $209/Month through creative product placements.

Affiliate Marketing
By placing relevant affiliate links on the site, it could earn approximately $166 monthly.

Independent Advertising
The site could earn approximately $1,574.2 monthly through independent advertising arrangements specific to your site's niche.
Total these four components up and the monthly total is $2,108.20 per month or $25,298.40 per year. Very simmilar to the site above.

Conclusion: So what's the point of all of this some of my readers might ask? It is two-fold, despite the amazing numbers being touted by Hoboken411, the value of that traffic, if I had those numbers on my site would certainly not be enough to get me to quit my day job. It also is illustrative of the the difficulty in making money as either an online newspaper or a local blog through advertising revenue alone.

To be fair I am pretty sure that Hoboken 411 makes more than $25k a year. Perhaps I am being a bit generous but follow the rough analysis anyway. Assuming 20 ads in the monthly rotation at $200 per month that would be $4,000 a month from regular ads or $48K per year. He perhaps gets another $15K per year for the political ads (he charges higher rates) and another $5K or so in food comps and other sundries. So total that up and you get $68,000 per year in revenue. Of course that does not take into account expenses. Assuming those numbers are in the ballpark, Perry Klaussen would qualify for a nice cheap apartment in Church Square Towers. The added benefit would be that he would be really close to the Beth Russo Civic Association. Talk about perks! Any chance he would get bumped up on the list for all the "hard work" (spam) he did for Beth Mason's campaign?

I can virutally run my site for free at current traffic levels but even if it expanded the cost would only be no more than $100-200 month with a lot of bells and whistles. For now, my blog will remain a hobby. Ads could be a possibility in the future but regardless of where this site takes me, it is certainly not going to make me rich. It might not even yield me a quarter. John Correa allegedly has a lot more of them then I do. :)

Thank you readers for visiting my site. Spread the word. Happy Sunday. ◦