FXFOWLE proposal for NJ Transit Site
Hoboken resident John Keim sent me a note regarding a petition to sign to stop the NJ State Senate Bill S2972. This bill is Sponsorred by NJ State Senator Paul Sarlo (D) who is trying to push this bill through. Key components of this bill as I understand them would take away local autonomy of City Councils accross the State of NJ as the redevelopment authority for their municipality. This would open the floodgates for overdevelopment of the NJ Transit area since the City Hoboken would have little say once this legislation is enacted. It should be noted that this petition is sponsored by Beth Mason. Regardless if you voted for her or not (I did not), I think that as many people should sign it as possible to send a strong message to NJ politicans that we don't need another Xanadu or Jersey City Skyline in our backyard.
Here is a link to the proposed bill introduced June 22, 2009:
Here is John Keim (husband of Ines Garcia-Keim) is his own words:
Dear Friends,
We are at ground zero for a nightmare; New Jersey State Senate bill S2972 has reared its ugly head again. Despite a supposition that it was halted, New Jersey Transit is still poised to be allowed to build a way beyond outsized developement on the south end of Hoboken. Please take a moment and sign the online petition: "Stop the NJ Transit Land Grab"hosted on the web by PetitionOnline.com, the free online petition service, at:
I personally agree with what this petition says, and I am sure you agree, too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and join me. This is too important to ignore.
Best wishes,
John Stevens Keim
On the petition site here are what a few people are commenting:
1) "This project is way too big to be adjacent to Hoboken. The parking and traffic ramifications could be disastrous. Morning and evening rush hours are already impossible. Then when a severe rainstorm or snow storm hits there will be complete gridlock. The southern quarter of Hoboken has serious flooding issues that have never been fixed or repaired. The argument that everyone will take the train will not work. This is NJ. Almost everyone has a car and will try and us it with Hoboken residents paying the price. Look at the effects developers have had on Jersey City along Washington Street. It is devoid of a neighborhood feeling that Hoboken has on every corner. This is not a good idea."
2) "Save Hoboken. Stop the out-of-scale buildiing projects. No entity should be able to circumvent any local government's zoning laws. Listen to the tax payers; the people of Hoboken do not want this!!!!"
3) "This would solidify the future of Hobken and would leave its citizens unable to conserve what is left of the city's unique character."
Note: Once you sign the petition it will have to be approved before it shows up as submitted. ◦