Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Zoning Board Reorganization Recap

Zoning Board Reorganization Recap

Last night I covered the Board of Education meeting that actually only was about 1 hour and 20 minutes in length and went pretty well considering the proposed budget is down $2.5 million from last year and no one got laid off although 5 positions have been eliminated through attrition.

Starting at the same time, 7 PM , was the Hoboken Zoning Board of Adjustment. The first level of business was the reorganization of the seven person board (nine total counting the two alternates) as follows:

The New Majority (appointed by the latest City Council)
Chair - Tony Soares
Vice Chair- James Aibel
Nancy Pincus (a.k.a. "Pinkers" for the way Jimmy Farina pronounces her name)
Phil Cohen (First Alternate voting in place of Alex Corado who resigned)
Michael Evers 2nd Alternate (no voting rights unless other members absent)

The Remaining Board Members
Dominic Lisa
Murray Fusco
Joe Crimmins

Congratulations to Tony and and James in their new officer roles and the other newer appointed members as well. I do encourage all members to do their homework, know the procedures and above all use their best judgment while on the board. If that happens than Hoboken will benefit from their responsible decisions in the short and long run.

Editor's Note (yes, this is the section where I do editorialize): Perry Klaussen on the now infamous Hoboken 411 "page 6" website, known for dispatching his minions for doing his dirty work, made a rare public appearance last night and was seen clicking away during to re-org portion of the Zoning Board meeting. He promptly left after the re-org portion of the meeting so one can safely assume he wasn't interested in the actual content of the meeting other than the re-org. Way to cover the political scene Perry! You really showed your commitment last night!:) Have you made any more threats to City Hall employees? Really, such a nice guy! Not!

It was noted by my sources that his focus on pictures zoomed in the newer Zimmer appointees so speculation is abound as to if or when the next smear piece will be coming out. Or, in all fairness, perhaps he got off his lazy ass and decided to get some photo stock on his own rather than lifting it from other local blogs. Time will tell.

Also important to note that Mason minion  Dawn detractor "ProfessorPinetop" just posted again today on Hoboken 411 after a long hiatus. Could we be in store for more of the "Dawn of the Living Dead" (a very small group of hard core Mason zombies election supporters who despite resounding electoral defeat just can't let go of the Zimmer hatred and refuse to accept the outcome, i.e. die in a political sense)? Again, time will tell. It should be noted that they do not speak for Beth currently based on a good source of mine.