Sunday, June 13, 2010

Refrigerator Magnet of the Day - Think It's Not Illegal Yet

Here is a refrigerator magnet in my collection that is reflective of perhaps of few things that are going on around town in the political sphere. One is the Democratic Committee drama that is ensuing. Would you rather have a local Democratic Committee chair picked by those who generally are in line with the Mayor Dawn Zimmer or the Russos Mike and Michele? Think about it.

And if you are a resident near the Pino site, Stevens or any other site that could be considered for the municipal garage as a possibility, you would think you would want the bond to pass at tonight's City Council meeting in case the City would want to extend the current site for at least a year until possibly a better site was found on a more permanent basis. Think about it. And if you run into 6th Ward Councilman Nino Giacchi who is likely the swing vote on this tell him to think about what it would mean to the taxpayer and the City if he voted no. Remember, "Think, It's Not Illegal Yet"
