Thursday, July 15, 2010

Photos of the Day: What do Lane Bajardi and Tony Soares have in common?

These Hoboken photos of the day beg my readers to answer the following question.....

Question: What do newly appointed dual board holding Sewerage Board member Tony Soares and Anti-Zimmer Zealot Lane Bajardi have in common? (It is not a penchant for poo). See below to find out the common link......

Answer: Michele "Mama" Russo in their circle of friends.

This is just a lighthearted jab without the video jib about last night's political events and the political fallout. For once I actually agreed with Lane Bajardi on the dual board issue as much as this pains me to write. This in no way speaks of Mr. Soares' qualifications to serve on the sewerage board but tries to make light of the fallout from the wacky ride on the appointment roller coaster during last night's City Council  meeting.

More on the appointments to come soon.

Feel free to chime in your thoughts below in the comments in the meantime. ◦