Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mike Wins! - Mike Lenz Campaign Declares Victory in Debate

Here is a follow up note from the Mike Lenz campaign from the results of last night's debate.....

The 4th Ward Candidates Forum, sponsored by the Quality of Life Coalition, was last night and the difference between Mike Lenz and Tim Occhipinti couldn't have been more clear. (Video of the debate will be posted on, on our website, and will be playing on Cablevision channel 78 and Verizon channel 47 in a few days. Also stay tuned for our official debate watch parties at the Lenz Campaign HQ! More info coming soon)

4th Ward Councilman Mike Lenz is standing for the residents of the ward and bringing straight talk on how to lower taxes, fight overdevelopment, end flooding, and finally bring a park to the 4th Ward.

Despite his claims of independence, Tim Occhipinti is standing with the same people who overspent our budget, raised taxes, handed out zoning variances like Halloween candy, and did nothing to fix flooding.

Last night's debate proved what we have been saying for this entire campaign. Tim is not ready for prime time and will impede progress. He has a dangerous lack of knowledge on the issues and during this pivotal point in Hoboken's history, we can't afford to let Tim have "on the job training."

Mike doesn't need to convene a panel to know where he stands on the issues. Mike has been listening to his neighbors and standing up for the 4th Ward for years.

This Election is as important as any in Hoboken's history. For decades, the same group has talked about making changes for the 4th Ward, but have consistently stood against progress in Hoboken.

4th Ward Councilman Mike Lenz is proud to stand with Mayor Dawn Zimmer and work to bring REAL progress to the city and the 4th Ward. Unlike Tim, Mike is not just reading a script, he is working with the right people and taking action.

In a little over a year the Reform Council Majority has worked with Mayor Zimmer to:
  • Decrease taxes by 5% (maximum allowed by state in a transitional budget period).
  • Stopped the 70 story NJ Transit project and fought against unfair PILOTs.
  • Increased patrolmen by 38% while making the police department more efficient and saving taxpayers millions of dollars.
  • Rejected unaffordable union contracts at a time when we just can't afford it.
  • Begun construction of a 100 million/gallon flood pump that will solve 85% of flooding when it is completed in 2011.
  • Brought Corner cars, the hop, and Muni-meters to make sure no quarter ever gets stolen again.
  • Started the legal process to bring a real park to the Southwest, including study to reroute traffic on Patterson Plank and Jackson St.
  • There is still more hard work to be done if taxes are going to keep going down and we are going to continue moving this great city in the right direction.

There is so much to be done that the speed of progress may be frustrating at times, but if we lose the Council Majority to the Occhipinti/Russo alliance, it will stop. A vote for Tim is a vote for the failed policies of past administrations.

On Tuesday, November 2nd, please vote for Mike Lenz (9C) and keep progress going in Hoboken.

Sam Briggs
Campaign Manager
Friends of Mike Lenz for City Council

P.S. There are only 19 days until election day and we need your help. Our biggest opponent in this race is not Tim, its apathy and laziness. There are more voters in the ward who would support Mike but Tim's "locked in" vote is going to come out in force. Even a few hours between now and election day can make the different between progress and failure on Election day. This is too important for Hoboken to let them lie and buy their way to victory.

We are going out to talk to voters at their homes every Saturday and Sunday, as well as catching commuters in the mornings during the week. We are also making calls to voters across the district on Sun - Thursday evenings using a super-efficient predictive dialer system, no hand dialing, no waiting for someone to pick up, and no leaving messages! Have no time to volunteer? Host a Meet and Greet, write a Letter to the Editor, or donate to the campaign! With your help, we will keep moving Hoboken forward. Contact the campaign office at or call 201-588-5369 to get more involved.

P.P.S. Want an easy way to get involved right now? Join our facebook page ( and suggest to your friends right now! ◦