Friday, October 29, 2010

Tim Occhipinti Campaign and Hoboken 411 very cozy

This flier from Tim Occhipinti's campaign was being handed out by two youths in the 4th Wad last night.The flier is based on a smear piece from Hoboken 411. It is true that Lenz did get two donations from small developers and it is also true that the story from blogger Hoboken 411 has no sources and has established no basis for quid quo pro.

This flier I believe is a distraction to the bigger issue of election fraud. Changing the subject is one of the oldest tricks in the book. Being in bed with the wrong political side has been Hoboken 411's MO ever since he aligned with Beth Mason and turned on Dawn Zimmer. The funny part is Tim's team is bashing the blogs that support Zimmer yet they cite Hoboken 411 as if it was a legitimate news source. What a joke!

Straight from Hoboken 411 to Tim's Campaign. Flier even has what I call the "H411 F#ck you" font
