Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Protest Against Mike Russo at City Hall Looming Tomorrow Night

A protest is potentially looming at City Hall tomorrow night in time for the Hoboken City Council Meeting. After conferring with MSV and several other sources a protest has been discussed among several groups as well as viral through several emails I have received.

Hoboken City Hall: Site of protest tomorrow night?
This email is from a Hoboken resident sent earlier today who reached out to the Governor's Office to raise their awareness. In addition this resident reached out to a friend in the media to get this protest on their radar as well. Here is the email.

"I sent an email to the Governor's office informing him of the planned protest regarding Mike Russo that is being planned for tomorrow night at City Hall (hopefully he is already aware) Additionally, I placed a call and the Governor's administration took copious notes on the planned protest. As a Hoboken Republican and Christie supporter, I asked for his support in demanding Councilman Michael Russo's resignation.

There is a small possibility, this might actually get on his radar; fingers crossed.

Last night, I also contacted Pai-Sze Chang, NBC New York, informing her of the upcoming protest -- Pai-Sze emailed me that she will pitch it. In the past she came out a few times when I called her for various stories so hopefully she will deliver.

Best regards in the fight for a better Hoboken,

Hoboken Resident"

Also here is an announcement re-printed with permission from the MSV website from another resident calling for Mike Russo to resign:

WHAT: A protest to call on Councilman Michael Russo to resign his City Council seat (details below)

WHEN: This Wednesday night, 6pm (City Council Meeting begins at 7pm)
WHERE: The steps in front of City Hall
WHO: You, and everyone you know that cares about bringing change to Hoboken!

Dear Friends,

We've read the reports. We've heard the denials. Now, we've seen the tapes.

Almost two years after Peter Cammarano's brief stint as mayor came crumbling down with his arrest for accepting bribes from an FBI informant posing as a real estate developer seeking expedited building approvals, it has come to light that City Council Vice President Michael Russo, who's father was another Hoboken mayor who served prison time for taking bribes, met with the same developer and agreed to the same money-for-expedited-approvals arrangement. Since this information surfaced last week, Councilman Russo has insisted that because he never followed through and accepted the money, he has done nothing wrong.

Now, the FBI's own video surveillance tapes are available for all to see. For those who haven't yet seen these highly incriminating videos, you can watch them here:


Councilman Russo can be clearly seen not only explicitly agreeing to accept campaign contributions in exchange for expedited building approvals, but actually specifying for the check to be made out to his PAC, "Russo for Hoboken," and boastfully dishing out various other unsavory activities and quid-pro-quo arrangements. For years, Mr. Russo has claimed to be the victim of persecution for the sins of his father, and taken umbrage at the suggestion that the apple lies anywhere near the tree. Today, we know the truth, and we need to make our voices heard.
- Hoboken Resident
Link on MSV: http://hobokenhorse.blogspot.com/2011/04/grist-for-mill-protest-against-mike.html
I will update you the reader should the protest become formal from any of these organizations. ◦