Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hoboken St. Patricks Day- Gearing/Facebooking Up

The annual debauchery fest in Hoboken known as St. Patrick's Day always seems to get a few people's nerves up. The parade is fun but the mess before and after the parade has some residents angry. I can tell you this, since I was working the door last year on that day (one of my many jobs) I didn't see every area but the police did a very good job last year compared to the year before of keeping things in check for the most part. In fact one officer checked in with me several times during the day to make sure everything was OK.

As far as the expected volume on Facebook over 15,000 invitations have been sent out and over 8,200 people have accepted as attending the festivities. Since everyone is not active on Facebook it would be safe to say the parade is as popular as ever.

Here is the event on Facebook for Facebook users:
