Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Career Change Workshop - April 21st at Stevens

Here is an upcomming event in Hoboken on April 21st for people who might be considering a career change and are not sure where to start. This event is at Stevens Institute and is only $8 to attend. Here is the introductory email and event information below:

Hi Mr. Gardiner:

"My name is Andrew Lascar. I serve on the board of the NJ Professional Chapter of Net Impact, a non profit. On April 21 in Hoboken, we are inviting "conflicted achievers" to attend a More Than Money event. It will promise to be an eye opening and inspiring event for those successful people who feel like their careers should be headed in another direction.

This event is important to the community because it will encourage people that their dreams should be pursued and also help on how to get there.

This event is important because I think Hoboken area needs to know about this. Hoboken has many business professionals and they have been hit hard but the economy. Many of them are considering a career change but have no clue what to do or how to get started.

This event is important because it teaches people that an office is may not be your passion - and that it's ok!! For too long, people have been trudging to work without recognizing that following their passion is worthwhile. This is very much a quality of life issue.

This event is important because it inspires people. I am always happy when I see someone who quits his/her career to follow a true passion - such as an accountant who now runs a graphic design studio. That is the focus on this event - and how to do that successfully. "

Best Regards,



In today's world, many of us have gone beyond making ends meet and are
now searching for a life of meaning and purpose. At MTMI, we believe the
true way to find yourself is through losing yourself in something BIGGER
than yourself. We are actively working with our clients to help them
truly live their life on purpose!

Now is your opportunity to attend a two-hour program that could truly
change the course of your life forever. We will spend this time with you
sharing our proven methodology to help you discover more about living a
life of purpose and finding work that truly fulfills you. You will also
be given an opportunity during this evening to do a fun, interactive
exercise that will help you understand better the qualities of a “Good
Life” – one that includes balance and fulfillment.

We will also be serving light snacks and drinks and you will have the
opportunity to network with your peers and meet like-minded individuals.
We promise you an evening of laughter and fun that will leave you
inspired and hopeful about the future with new knowledge about ways to
improve your quality of life.

Event Info: Tuesday April 21st 2009 from 6.00 pm – 8.30 pm
Cost to attend: $8
Stevens Institute
1 Castle Point on the Hudson, Hoboken, NJ, 07307

Parking: Parking is available. However, each visitor must go to the Main Desk at the Howe Center (13 Story building) to receive a parking pass. After receiving the parking pass, proceed to Hayden Lounge within the Hayden Building which is two buildings south from the Howe Center. The event will be held in the Hayden Lounge.

The security at the Main Desk in the Howe Center should be able to direct you to the Hayden Lounge.

To attend the event, please RSVP to: mihirdharia44@hotmail.com
