Monday, April 20, 2009

Chris Carbine Endorses Kids First for BOE Election Tommorow

Chris Carbine , Independent Candidate for City Council has endorsed the Kids First Slate for the Board of Educatio Elections tomorrow April 21st. Polls are open from 2PM-9PM. Don't forget to vote:

The Carbine for Council team reaffirms our endorsement of the Kids First slate in Tuesday’s BOE election. At $25,000 a year Hoboken has one of highest per student expenditures in New Jersey. This might be acceptable, but unfortunately our seniors are in the bottom 10% in SAT scores and our bloated school budget has one of the lowest student to administrator ratios in the state. Many positions are filled by patronage and favors.

Theresa Minutillo, Maureen Sullivan and Ruth McCallister offer a clear alternative to this disgrace. The new school board must ensure that programs will cost effectively raise test scores, standards and hold people accountable. Tomorrow I urge everyone to support Kids First 1-4-5 and to vote no on the school budget.

Thank you,
Chris Carbine
