Friday, April 17, 2009

Kids First Activities for Final Weekend Before Election

Here is a message from Liz Mullholand regarding Kids First activities for the upcoming Board of Education Election on April 21st and acitvities supporting the get out the vote effort:

Hi Everyone,

There are only 5 more days until Election Day. This is the last weekend to get out our message and make great changes to the Hoboken School District!

There are some events planned for the upcoming days. If you can give an hour or two of your time, we could continue to get out our message to the masses and place a new majority on the school board.

There will be 2 "hit the streets and canvass" events this weekend- where you can go out, stroll around and pass out information about our fantastic candidates.

Sat: 10:30am ( 618 Washington St).
Sun:12:00pm (618 Washington St)

Kids First Volunteer Rally- Information for locations, materials etc..for Election Day Volunteers-(snacks and cash bar).
Sun:1:00pm-4:00pm at Maxwell's - come at your leisure.

Election Eve Night Flyer Run-We will also need everyone out to pass out flyers/doorknockers etc.. on every door/building.

Monday: 8:00pm- 839 Bloomfield St

Thanks again, for your support.


Liz Mulholland

Editors Note: For any Frank Raia supporters feel free to send me an email on any activities you would want to publish as well. My email is I have my opinions but this website is an equal oppurtunity community bulletin board for all candidates for as long as I decide to keep the website up.
