Friday, April 17, 2009

Ravi Bhalla on Supporting Kids First Down the Stretch

Here is an email from Council Candidate Ravi Bhalla asking voters to help get out the vote for Kids First. To date Dawn Zimmer and her slate are the only candidates for Mayor or City Council on a major slate to come out for Kids First. Chris Carbine, Independent Candidate for City council has also come out in favor of the BOE slate.

Volunteer on Election Day for Kids First!

As you very well may know, thirty percent of our property taxes go to the schools. It is crucial that we make sure that money is well spent. The election for the School Board is Tuesday April 21st and Dawn Zimmer and The Change That Works Slate is in full support of the Kids First Team.

Kids First is running on a platform that focuses on the following:

- Require that all programs boost test scores, raise standards and maximize student achievement.
- Demand that the schools spend taxpayer money as carefully as we spend our own.
- Eliminate bureaucratic waste. Give the classrooms what they need.
- Attract and retain students by reaching out-and responding to community needs.
- Hold people accountable from the top down.

Kids First needs your help, specifically, they need at least 2 hours of your time on election day. Please email, to let Kids First know what times you will be available and the best way to contact you. In Hoboken, every vote counts and with your help Kids First can deliver the quality of education our children deserve!"

Times available:

7:30-9:30 am (canvassing)
1:00-3:00 pm (canvassing)
2:30-4:30 pm (canvassing/ phone calls)
4:30-6:30 pm (canvassing/ phone calls)
6:30-8:30 pm (canvassing/ phone calls)

Thank You!

Ravi S. Bhalla
Candidate, Hoboken City Council ◦