Sunday, June 7, 2009

Hoboken Democratic Committee List as of 6/7/2009

Hoboken Democratic Committee List as of 6/7/2009

Last Tuesday June 2nd the Democratic and Republican primaries were held. Turnout was very low but there were Democratic Committee seats up for grabs in every Ward and District. This is the latest list that contains the write-ins and ties. There are also a few vacant seats so this list could change slightly before it is finalized. Congratulations to all the Democrats for Reform and Independent Democrats who their races. There are a total of 72 seats in all and what could loosely be called and alliance of Democrats for Reform and Independent Democrats totals 30 votes by my calculation. As I said befor I ran with Theresa Minutillo in Ward 5-1 and won. I am looking forward to the reorganization meeting coming up this Monday.
