Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Websearch - Delivered Vacant Documentary on Hoboken Fires

There was discussion on one of my threads about the documentray Delivered Vacant which is a documentary done about the battles over gentrification in Hoboken in the 80's and early 90's. It is available for purchase ($23 on Google) provided in the last link below on the post for personal use only. Here is a description of the movie:

Delivered Vacant

Hoboken, New Jersey--"Naples on the Hudson" to some, a square mile of prime real estate to others. Filmmaker Nora Jacobson spent eight years documenting Hoboken's battles over gentrification, from boom in the '80s to bust in the '90s. This epic, dramatially engrossing documentary features a real-life cast of long-time residents, newly arrived Yuppies, tenants' organizers, real estate developers, street people, immigrants from around the world, and local politicians.

Directed by Nora Jacobson
1992, color, 118 mins.

Here is Nora Jacobson's website:

Link to purchase the film Delivered Vacant:

I have ordered the movie meself and plan to watch as soon it arrives. ◦