Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pain Puss Percocet Purses and Pancakes - My personal night and morning from hell

Normally I don't get too personal about myself on this blog but I figured I would share with you my night from hell that has for now a happy ending or at least I hope.

Last night I couldn't sleep as an abscess under my right arm suddenly got out of control. I first noticed it on Sunday but it kept getting bigger and bigger, much like H411's megalomania.:)  I was going to schedule a doctor's appointment today but the pain was too much. I  finally decided to get immediate attention to it by walking to the HUMC early this morning.

I arrived at 6:50 AM and it was fairly quiet in the waiting room . After a little wait and some paperwork a young friendly doctor saw me and drained fluid from the abscess from under my right arm. The bureaucratic procedures there seemed to be running smoothly at first glance. The doctor was efficient and polite and was able to drain the fluid successfully with little discomfort after the local. I let the staff know that my insurance has a $50 copay for ER visits. They seemed surprised that somebody would volunteer to pay a ER co-pay upfront. I told them jokingly that $50 may not make or break the hospital but they could use every cent they could get. They appreciated my effort but couldn't process the co-pay upfront since my insurance card doesn't state it on there. I was out of the ER by 8:40 am or so. I wonder how long it will take before I get the bill? Hopefully after Christmas.

The facilities were very nice and clean in the ER. The individual beds even had TV so I could watch ESPN Sports Center while I waited for the doctor. The doctor who treated me is a Yankees fan remarked on the Phillies getting Halladay in the big trade. It helped distract me since the local shot was a briefly painful process; not as painful as DeSean Jackson dancing at will around the NY Giants this Sunday. Indeed, reader Katie_Scarlett had a very good sports weekend to say the least! Philly winning at least beats having the Cowboys at the top of the NFC East Division which goes to show I can usually find a silver lining in most cloudy situations. Additionally my fantasy football consolation was that D-Jax's electrifying performance got me into my fantasy football playoffs. As a Giants fan I still have an affinity for the little roadrunner. Beep beep!

I got prescriptions for pain and anti-biotics and went over to fill them over at Barron Drugs. I really like the pharmacists there. They are always informative and have a sense of humor since they have to deal with me from time to time and all my Giant jokes about how the doses are meant for 150 pounders when I am well more than double that.

While I was waiting for the prescriptions to fill I ate at Stacks for the third time since their opening. I really love the idea of a midtown pancake house if you haven't figured it out yet. I talked to Scott one of the partners at Stacks about some of the online responses to his opening and my website as well as others. I commented on my site's thread and said to him "what in the hell do dirty girly Gucchi handbags have to do with pancakes?" He laughed and said that he got an order to go from that guy this weekend. See, it all ties in now and hence the title of this post. Got to give the owner credit for reading the responses and attempting to fix issues that are fixable problems.

I finished my meal hastily to get back to Barron Drugs for the painkillers since the local was starting to wear off. I am home now and the Percocet is finally kicking in. I took a second pill after the first one didn't do too much.  I am now getting drowsy. Don't worry - no Heath Ledger moment planned. Two is my limit on Percocet. Time to put down the keyboard and take a nap.

I for one don't know the future of the Hospital is, but at least on this day I was glad one was around to snip this abscess in the bud. Follow up visit in 2-3 days. Wish me luck in recovery and expect a slowdown in posts while I am in this drowsy state. And double crap on the fact I can't drink while on these two medications! Some Holiday! ◦