Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tiger Woods Pictoral Parody

Everyone might dream of being famous but being famous has a price. The price is privacy. Saying Tiger Woods has had a really bad PR week would be a gross understatement. Regardless of his great renound as possibly the greatest golfer to ever play the game, Tiger Woods showed us this week that he is indeed imperfect and human afterall. I particularly don't care about whatever transgressions he did with respect to his family but in the absense of details the media will speculate as to what happened. This of course leads us to this admittedly tasteless parody (Hate to admit it, but it gave me a good chuckle):

Note: This picture was NOT done by Graphix_Avenger but rather sent to him/her from another party.

Editor's Comment: Had Tiger Woods been in trouble for alleged spousal abuse against his wife, any parody on that would be viewed as simply wrong. Perhaps this is too but at least I am not offended. If he did cheat on his wife some sort of beat-down could be explained as a heat of the moment reaction. I am not endorsing the idea that women should hit their cheating husbands/boyfriends with golfclubs, vases (War of the Roses) or any other blunt object (dildo - just kidding) but rather just acknowledging that the double-standard on domestic violence does not escape me. ◦