Thursday, January 21, 2010

Editorial Correction on Comments on Zoning Board

In my editorial section commenting on my recap of the Zoning Board Reorganization meeting on Tuesday, I made the following statement with respect to Hoboken 411 and a potential hit piece that could have come from his presence snapping photos at the meeting. Here is my statement:

"Also important to note that Mason minion "ProfessorPinetop" just posted again today on Hoboken 411 after a long hiatus. Could we be in store for more of the "Dawn of the Living Dead" (a very small group of hard core Mason zombies who despite resounding electoral defeat just can't let go of the Zimmer hatred and refuse to accept the outcome, i.e. die in a political sense)? Again, time will tell. "

I did get a private email from a supporter of Beth Mason's who I might not necessarily always see eye to eye with but whose opinion I do respect. After taken in his/her commentary I have decided to make the following correction...

I do not know who "Professor Pinetop" or "xyzpdq" (formerly frequent H411 posters) are and I really don't care to find out. What is true is that they consistently in the past have supported Beth Mason and have also consistently bashed Dawn Zimmer in their commentary on Hoboken 411. As the supporter of Beth relayed to me in their email, these posters do not  speak for Beth Mason, at least not anymore and that is the aspect which I agree with. Thus the term "Mason Minion" as applied to those two H411 posters should be retracted but I do feel the new term "Dawn Detractor" still applies and in spades. Constructive criticism of the current mayor should be encouraged but when it is all negative to me it is nothing more partisan drivel.

It is important to note that in the past I have given Beth Mason credit for foreseeing the Hospital crisis well in advance, defending her when someone called her a crook (which she is most certainly not and Beth had the courtesy to call me and thank me for that), and now give her acknowledgement on her legitimate concerns over the upcoming St. Patrick's Day parade which the event iteself has some potential negative outcomes.

Hopefully, this clarifies matters a bit. ◦