Monday, January 18, 2010

From Hudson Reporter - Article on Craigslist Attack

This weekend's Hoboken Reporter featured a story on the incident that occured two weeks ago when someone got a hold of my cell phone number and repeatedly spammed my phone using Craigslist. The article is on pages 5 and 10 in the printed version of the paper. This incident was unsettling to me that someone would take it to the next level like that. The person who did it has since confessed and apologized so I decided it was time to move forward. I at no time signed an actual crimninal complaint and just filed an initial report with the local police.

The Hoboken Reporter got the story basically accurate but here are my comments to further clarify and correct one assertion that is incorrect in the way it was stated in the article:

1) The blog reffered to as the competing blog is indeed Hoboken 411.
2) The person who performed the Craigslist cyber attack on me is a frequent commenter and photo contributor to Hoboken 411. This confirmed the suspicions I had when I filed the police report. It all goes to motive.
3) There was a rape threat made towards poster Katie_Scarlett on my site which I promptly deleted and shared with her. The "Craigslist Spammer" has not admitted to writing this post so the originator of that post is still not confirmed.

Here is the anonymous post I had deleted from 12/16/2009:

"katie @ 11:06 - I have read your rumor mongering, if you are going to dish it you will have to take it, and you will sometime have to take it rectally. I am not too worried I heard you are pretty good at that, (taking it rectally that is).

I may be the man, the legend the owner of the cutest dog in town, or I may be some kind of creepy neighbor who is cyber stalking you to get in your pants. You will NEVER know ...... Hahahahahhahahahahahah (evil laughter) "

Editor Comment: Someone is pretty sick, wouldn't you agree?

4) The artcile does not also mention that the "Craiglist Spammer" has also admitted to calling poster Katie_Scarlett's place of work in an attempt to get her in trouble with her employer. The tactic didn't work and her employer tried to do a trace on the call as they considered it harassment.

So you see there is more to the story than just a singular prank. Here is hoping that this is behind us but I will be keeping a watchful eye on things going forward.

Here is the story online at the Hudson Reporter:

My original post on this incident: