Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hoboken Secret Garden Tour Part 3 - Hoboken Journal Photo Exclusive

Last weekend I went on the Hoboken Secret Gardens Tour and the Clinton Mills Courtyard was one of the stops on the tour.

The original design was installed 11 years ago by William Weiss III who won a chapter award for courtyard design from the American Society of Landscape architects in 2001.

The replantings were recently done by Joe Cortapasso of Urban Landscape Design. In addition to his landscaping business Joe is also a Real Estate agent who works out out River Street Realty at 922 Washington Street, Hoboken. His email is and phone 201.779.8180 should you be interested in his landscaping services. I know Joe fairly well and this was a project he was very excited about so it was great to see it come to fruition.

The black locust trees provide a cool refuge from the summer heat, well almost. It was very humid the day of the tour.

A sampling of the variety of shade tolerant plants such as ferns, hostas, Jacob's ladder, hellebores, and hydrangea shrubs that have been restocked on either side of the walkway.

Matching flowers in the first floor window sills adds a nice touch.

An Old Style Clock adds a nice touch to complete this photo segment
