Monday, June 14, 2010

Ravi Bhalla Letter to Democratic Committee seeking Chair

Below is a letter from Ravi Bhalla that has him seeking the party chair for the Hoboken Democratic Committee. Even though the Mayor Dawn Zimmer is cc'ed on this mail you can be rest assured that Ravi has her blessing.

Here is Ravi's letter to all Democratic Committeepersons:

Ravi S. Bhalla
2 Constitution Court, Unit 1014
Hoboken, New Jersey 07030201-647-6090

June 12, 2010

Dear Hoboken Democratic Committeeperson:

Congratulations on your recent election as a Committeeperson of the HobokenDemocratic Committee (HDC). Many of us had spirited races, and every candidate for the HDCO should be congratulated on their commitment to serving our community.

Now that the election is over, it is time for us to work together for the benefit of Hobokenand the Democratic Party. To this end, I am writing to respectfully request your support for mynomination for the position of Chairman of the HDC. As I enter my third year of service as a Committeeman, I have learned that we, as Committeepersons, are the eyes and ears of our local neighborhood. Our specialized knowledge of our local districts provides us the potential to workwith local government officials to improve the quality of life in our neighborhoods. If elected Chair of the party, I will actively work with all of you to learn more about the concerns of your district, so we can address those concerns head on this year.

As Chair, I would also seek to expand the base of our party, by reaching out to those whoare unaffiliated and even Republican, and seeking to increase the number of registered and activeDemocratic residents in Hoboken. There are many issues on every level of local governmentthat impact all of us, irrespective of party affiliation. The Democratic Party of Hoboken willadvance its own mission if we can demonstrate that we are improving the lives of all residents in Hoboken.

I thank you for your consideration and look forward to working with you in the future.

Sincerely, Ravi S.Bhalla

cc: Assemblyman Ruben Ramos
Chair, Hoboken Democratic Committee
Honorable Dawn Zimmer
Mayor, City of Hoboken ◦