Monday, June 14, 2010

Talk of the Town- Heard around the Mile Square

To Chair or not to Chair, That is the question

Ravi Bhalla has put his name in for the Chair for the Democratic Committee and letters went out to all recently elected members. Ines Garcia Keim had also sent a letter to all committee members over the weekend but the analysis by the Hoboken Journal says she does not have the votes to win. I also think that though a VP chair could have been in the works for her but it could now be off the table, like the City Garage Bond Ordinance last night.  Ravi has the votes to be chair at this point.

More Russo Column C defections?

I ran into Matt Callichio last night after the City Council meeting outside of McDonalds. Matt is a political operative in town who has been associated with Frank Pupie Raia,  Peter Cammarano as well as the Russos in the past and present. He said even though he ran on column C he is not sure he will attend or how he will vote. His friend said the same thing. Two more possible defections? Michele Russo better check her flanks! :) Benedict Callichio - traitor to the cause of all things Russo on Column C? Who would have thunk it? Where is the fealty loyalty?

Keep in mind this could be Matt just playing around. If he gets a call today from one angry mother at least I will know the Russo slate on Column C is reading my blog. :)

Facebook is a Public forum

I had every right to use a Facebook screen capture to validate a previous story I did last on what was said in a particular campaign get out the vote effort. Facebook is not like email, it is an online Town Hall. I published a get out the vote conversation involving a political operative and elected official and there was nothing personal or private about the communication given its context. The source I had gave me the information on what was said and the screen capture validates the story I did.

You can have assurances that my sense of ethics is sufficiently developed enough that I would never publish a private and personal conversation not related to a matter of public concern, i.e. health issues, family matters. That stuff is none of my business. Transparency is a word both Mike Russo and Beth Mason like to throw around a lot but I found Michele Russo's "Us vs. Them" (Cunningham said similar) comments on an open forum to be most illuminating. So did many of my readers. "Sunlight is the best disinfectant" indeed.

Mason Attacks Tony Soares

Beth Mason sent out an email blast this morning attacking Tony Soares. Tony Soares has been critical of Beth Mason as of late and there is no denying that. This is email has Beth trying to play the victim. Go to Mile Square View for this juicy tidbit:

Beth, Mason a victim? What has she been smoking?

Nino off the hook and off to Italy

Nino Giacchi was the swing vote last night at the special Hoboken City Council meeting. He failed to deliver for a contingency to protect the taxpayer before he is scheduled to go off to Italy. One thing is for sure he didn't want to be the sixth vote and he did a pretty good job of explaining himself out of a no vote, to the detriment of the taxpayer should the worse case scenario happen and the City defaults. He still thinks there is plenty of time. We will see how this plays out at the 12th hour. Ciao Bella Nino!

Lane Bajardi Thinks Mike Lenz's New Website/blog is Cute

He said so at last night's City Council meeting in one of his worse performances in a while during his 5 minutes of shame. Interestingly, he got no applause after his tirade against fiscal responsibility and any one who would volunteer their time to better the City of Hoboken.

It is true: Mike Lenz now has a basic "Mike Lenz for 4th Ward City Council" page at I would take it to mean he is planning on running for 4th Ward in November's special election. Not much of a surprise here. Actually, he has a fundraiser coming soon on June 24th. ◦