Saturday, August 21, 2010

Update: Hoboken 411 Displays Hypocrisy Attacking "Hypocrisy"

Update 8/21/2010: A reader sent this poem in relating to this matter that I thought was worth posting......

I saw a man pursuing the horizon;
Round and round they sped.
I was disturbed at this;
I accosted the man.
"It is futile," I said,
"You can never -"

"You lie," he cried,
And ran on.

-Stephen Crane

Update 8/20/210: More information and follow up....

Below is a photo from Donna Antonucci of the sign that was mentioned in the Hoboken 411 hit piece yesterday. Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill!

Photo Courtesy of Hoboken Real Estate Monitor
Here is testimony from the buyer in purchasing their brownstone home and Donna's information that was helpful to them in their decision making process:

Buyer testimony from Hoboken Real Estate Monitor website

Here is a link to the article:

I spoke with Donna today and was told had posted the above article to her site yesterday morning before she knew about the controversy on 411. She wanted readers to notice that 411 cut out her banner for Donna thinks her site is one that uses a fact based approach utilizing tools and analysis to help people make decisions.

It also contains a testimonial from her client who really appreciated her guidance through the process. The client "Warren" was happy to help her by giving her the use of his railing for a few weeks while he got the owners unit ready for renting.

Donna went on to add the following, that she did not see in my article initially that should be acknowledged:

"The big difference here is I am not breaking any laws nor any norms for that matter. 704 Hudson is private property and I have the permission of the owner to put up those signs. He has also written a testimonial which I have posted to my site ironically yesterday morning. It's not uncommon to put a large banner on a building while selling it and there are many examples across town.

Beth Mason littered public parks, utility poles, lamp posts. There are specific ordinances that prohibit political campaigning in parks. The Utility poles are owned by the utility company and they don't allow it either. The same for lamp posts and other public property. As a politician, she should follow the laws including this one. The litter she created was immense. I felt accosted by the volume of her material. It represents the worst of politicians who think they can buy an election."

- Donna Antonucci

Donna Antonucci a realtor in town and maintains this website:

Original Post 8/19/2010: I am not one to condone bad behavior so in no way am I defending Donna Antonucci when she crossed the line as a tax advocate from time to time with her very public City Council outbursts. However, I always felt she had a right to speak up and was true to herself in her public stance on the issues whether you think she was right or wrong. Sometimes she was provided with wrong facts (in the case of the HFD) but it wasn't anywhere near like some of the other liars that get up in front of City Council lately. At times her analysis was not delivered in a style that was politically strategic but her assertions were generally correct in that it was time for Hoboken to stop the careless spending.

This latest salvo from Hoboken 411 is another hit piece that calls Donna a hypocrite for putting a real estate sign up in the neighborhood. Donna had previously ripped down one of QLC advocate Beth Mason's 10,000 campaign signs that were strewn about Hoboken during election time.

Question: Why bring up Donna Antonucci now? I really wonder if the timing of this article has anything to do with the fact that Lane Bajardi is in mediation today for his own over the top reaction in allegedly grabbing Roman Brice's camera back in April. Just speculation I admit but still there seems to be a bit of scorched earth tactics coming from the Bajardi/Klaussen Axis of Vitriol otherwise known as BKAV.

Here is a link to the hit piece:

Note: The information in this hit piece is wrong on many accounts and is not representative of the facts according to Donna Antonucci and my own recollections.

Perry Klaussen is a hypocrite for supporting signage queen Beth Mason

Here is my counter to the hypocrisy of the assertion of hypocrisy from Hoboken 411:

Obnoxious Hoboken Sign Hypocrite!

Remember this anti-Quality of Life Monstrosity?
Yes, after all those years of being a QLC advocate Beth Mason has had no problem strewing excessive campaign signs all over Hoboken. Her number one supporting blog site (Hoboken 411) continues to give her support by attacking each and every one of her opponents.  The old slogan almost says it best "One goal, hers".

Beth Mason - "Sign Hypocrite"as well?
