Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hoboken 411 Submits Design for New Water Pump- Out of the Box Thinkin'

Hoboken 411 claimed he was thinking outside the box today on Hertz Connect after I had posted a comprehensive interview with one of their representatives. He clearly back tracked today by saying that he has supported the Hertz Connect program all along but just had some additional suggestions and was "thinking outside the box". Link to story: .

Perry Klaussen was again thinking outside the box when he sent me this submission (yeah right) on his improved design for the new Hoboken Pump Station earlier this afternoon.

Perry stated in his email:
"My design is clearly superior to that of the architects because Lane Bajardi said it was ok. He has expertise in the law, accounting, environmental remediation and guerrilla journalism and his commitment to attacking the Zimmer Administration is unrelenting and tenacious.  His agenda is my agenda. 

This design is brilliant because not only is it thinking out of the box, it actually uses a box. Get it? This is outside the box thinking by actually using a box. Not only is the design spartan like my apartment, it will in Glenn Beckian fashion actually save the City a lot of money to boot. I am brilliant. Come to my site everyday and bask in my brilliance and large search engine driven traffic."

Here is Perry Klaussen's Out of the Box Design I like to call "Das Box":

Parody of Hoboken 411's "Out of the box thinking" on the new Downtown Sewer Pump design.

Editor's Note: In case you don't know the history between my site and Hoboken 411, this is truly a parody since I am not on speaking terms with that unscrupulous blog. Of course Perry did not send me an email but if he did it might not be too far off what I am portraying in this parody. I will say that Perry Klaussen's photoshop skills are much better than mine but you still get the point don't you? ◦