Tuesday, October 26, 2010

4th Ward "Vote By Mail" count exceeds 500 ballots!

Da Horsey over at MSV has asked me to also publish his expose on the number of "Mail-In-Ballots" that have been submitted in the 4th Ward election so far. According to Da Horsey who gathered this information....

  • There are 544 vote by mail ballot requests already made.
  • Over 300 of those outstanding ballots have already been returned.
It would appear that the big push in Ward 4 District 4 has been made to get out the vote for the true machine candidate Tim Occhinpinti. Anyone who looks at the amount of so called mail in ballots from that District and thinks Tim is an independent candidate who upholds the highest degree of integrity in his campaign including the members of his staff might want to take a closer look at the operation going on in their Ward.

If these ballots were mailed in independently by voters who chose their candidates independently without others in the room (to assist them with the "noise") than those votes are completely valid. If the person who filled it out had to give it to a courier (who then supposedly mailed it in on the person's behalf ) in exchange for a promise that they would be paid on election day for working on election day then there is a problem. Vote by mail procedures were set up to have citizens vote by mail and not have them delivered by unscrupulous couriers or collected and then mailed in by those same couriers. The mailing in is optimally done by the person casting the ballot to ensure their vote is counted and to assure proper chain of custody with no breaches ofballot security. The operations going on in the 4th Ward are not what Common Cause had in mind when they spoke in favor of vote by mail.

To read the whole story go to MSV at this link:
