Friday, October 22, 2010

Richard Tremitiedi on the merits of a budget surplus

Former fire Chief and 2007 Second Ward activist Richard Tremitiedi chimes in on the merits of actually having a budget surplus...

Hoboken Budget Surplus is Healthy
For unforeseen, plus

Dear Editor:

The surplus in the Hoboken city budget is an emergency fund for unforeseen events was one of my comments at the Hoboken council meeting of Oct. 6th . Little did I know that a collapse would occur at North Sinatra Drive and that this would be declared a state of emergency by Hudson County and by the City of Hoboken. At this time it appears to be the responsibility of the county but it is good to know we have funds to quickly hire engineers and contractors to deal with this unexpected situation, if necessary.

Additionally, it’s fiscally prudent to have this surplus to improve our bond rating which will save us many thousands of dollars in interest when we may have to bond for capital improvements of city buildings, apparatus, emergency equipment and other necessary costs. These may include, but are not limited to the expected earned pay raises for all of our municipal employees, unfunded liability for contractual terminal leave and vacation pay for retiring employees, for property tax appeals and the ramifications of the decisions and legal costs of the many lawsuits and legal actions pending.

In conclusion, I am glad to see that our governing body of nine councilpersons has passed a budget that is looking forward to a better future for Hoboken. It is a good start to finally have a savings account for a ‘rainy day’.


Richard Tremitiedi

Retired Fire Chief
2nd Ward Candidate – 2007
Civic Activist
Tax Payer ◦