Here is the continuation of the original Hoboken Journal Talk of the Town series:
I got this tip from a reader that has to do with Beth Mason's announcement that she was running for re-election in the Second Ward during Monday night football just two days ago. It has been reported that she made appearances in 2nd Ward Sports Bars trying to buy the house a round on her. Here is the account from a Hoboken Journal reader:
"So, I was at City Bistro last night watching the Giants (up on the roof), when someone came up and said Beth was going around to the bars in the area (Madison, Liberty, etc) and buying the whole bar a round.
My comment: Weird indeed but nothing about Beth Mason surprises me any more.
Everyone who follows politics knows that Beth Mason was running for re-election. Whether or a supporter or a detractor anyone acquainted with Beth Mason knows the raw ambition that drives her quest for power and electoral domination. However, the harder Beth Mason tries the more she fails. in this case it would seem she tried to appeal to the younger crowds in Hoboken and my guess if she was trying to appear it backfired miserably like a Lane Bajardi post election defeat.
Based on that strange encounter of a Beth Mason kind, here is my idea for Beth Mason's new campaign logo/header:
So much for the much anticipated Beth Mason family values campaign, corrupting young minds with drink. Temperance, my congeration is the only path to salvation! Just kidding:)