Tuesday, December 7, 2010

4th Ward Election Fraud Update - by the numbers

Update 12/07/2010 11:45AM:

The Hoboken Advocate blog (http://hobokenadvocate.blogspot.com/) published the following list of donors to the 11/2/2010 Tim Occhipinti 4th Ward campaign for reference and promises more analysis down the line:

Tim Occhipinti Donors for November 2, 2010 4th Ward Election- Courtesy of the Hoboken Advocate blog
Link: http://hobokenadvocate.blogspot.com/2010/12/occhipinti-elec-summary.html

Original Post 10/26/2010 10:50PM: I recieved some preliminary analysis that crunched the numbers from the cummulative ELEC reports from the campaign of Tim Occhipinti's 4th Ward election "victory" on 11/2/2010 and have consolidated that information below. My source from the Mike Lenz campaign had the following comment:

"After going through it I am even more convinced that vote buying was going on. Instead of being mixed in with the Election day workers, VBM people were all together in the ELECs. If you just print up the disbursement sections, the VBM people are on pages 3-21, 23-40, 81-89, 92-97. Workers on other pages are mainly not VBM workers (but I am comparing them to the people who voted on election day when we can get those names). Basically when you look at this and the last ELEC, if someone received a check before election day they filled out a VBM or were one of the major bearers of ballots."

Remember, despite the high degree of statistical correlation, and the fact that the mater is now under review by the State of New Jersey's AG office there is no guarantee that this will go any further than just a review. However, the shear correlation to votes and payments in my opinion is the reason this should be looked into extensively. From a comprehensive review of the data and perhaps interviews I hope that justice will take its course. Here are the numbers without further comment...

Overall 4th Ward Vote By Mail Analysis

Analysis of Key Bearers

Percent VBMs Paid by Ward

Note: This analysis is preliminary and will be revised later in the week.
