Wednesday, February 9, 2011

3rd Ward Councilman Mike Russo now has a blog! Welcome to the 21st Century!

Thanks to blogger Graphix Avenger, GA for short I now know about 3rd Ward Councilman Mike Russo's new blog. Her piece on this latest entry to the Hoboken political landscape is below:


His political faction has been criticising the "Zimmer bloggers" recently but now he has decided to embark on this new medium himself. It will be interesting to see how this old-guard "street politician" fares in the digital realm.

Mike Russo's Blog:

3rd Ward Hoboken City Councilman Mike Russo's new
 blog uses the family angle to introduce his new website.
In the spirit of civility I sent him a polite note and posted it on his website. It awaits moderation.

Editor's Note: Maybe this is about as newsworthy a Kim Kardashian visiting our local Shoprite but I do find this an interesting political development when a old school politician like Mike Russo attempts to modernize in his outreach to Hoboken citizens. Maybe he is simply tired of relying on Hoboken411 which could suffer a devastating blow to its alleged sponsorship model with a Beth Mason electoral defeat. Or, perhaps Mike is seeing that the times are indeed changing and it is best that he gets on board or get left behind in this highly tech savvy and transient city. Even Terry Castellano is twittering to the amazement of some long time Hoboken residents. ◦