Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mayor Zimmer Thanks Council for Passage of Open Space Bonds

Last night the entire City Council passed the open space bond ordinance 9-0. Council Members Russo, Castellano, Giacchi and Occhipinti had voted no on this at first reading but perhaps Beth Mason's poll results sunk in showing them that the voters want parks. Just a theory. All four initial dissenters are up for re-election. Here is the Mayor's statement....

Mayor Zimmer Thanks Council for Passage of Open Space Bonds

"I am very excited that the Council unanimously passed the $20 million open space bond ordinance. I was disappointed when Council Members Russo, Castellano, Giacchi and Occhipinti voted against this important measure on first reading, and was gratified that they reversed their positions and voted in favor last night. This important step towards acquiring more land for open space represents the fruition of years of hard work by many, many community members. I am proud that the Open Space Trust Fund sponsored by Councilman Cunningham and myself four years ago, and all of the campaigning we did to help pass the referendum, provided the foundation for this key step to bring more park space to the City of Hoboken.

As I said in my State of the City address, we must ensure that every Hoboken resident is a short walk from a quality park. Given the lack of park space on the western side of our City, my Administration will be focusing our energy on that area of Hoboken.

I was surprised that some Council members suggested in press releases and tweets that I had given them private assurances on the basis of which they changed their votes from the first to the second reading. I want to assure the public that no such private assurances were given. All Council members were told in private precisely what they already knew based on my public statements before the first reading: I am committed to bringing more park space to the western side of our City where it is most needed.
I want to thank all Council members for supporting this bond as well as the $1.6 million bond for capital improvements on existing parks. Together these two ordinances will give us the tools we need to provide quality parks for our residents.
- Mayor Dawn Zimmer ◦