Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Perry Belfiore and his 2007 ELEC Reports

Perry Belfiore at City Council meeting fussing and
cussing over his personal lack of power
Perry Belfiore has declared his intentions of running for Hoboken City Council 5th Ward by filing his petitions yesterday at the Hoboken City Clerk's Office. Here is a look back at his 2007 City Council campaign which was mostly self-financed and did not have a large number of donors reported on the ELEC reports. The election went to a runoff in June where he and Peter Cunningham went head to head and he came up short of being elected.

A few things worth noting on Perry Belfiore's ELECs for 2007:

1) Perry Belfiore filed his 20-Day Post Election form over a year and a half late as noted by the January 23, 2009 received date. Does Perry have any respect for the ELEC rules at all or will we hear another excuse from his handlers (and that includes cyber-jhadists Perry Klaussen and Lane Bajardi of Hoboken 411)?

2) Now convicted Peter Cammarano bag man Michael Scheafer donated $2,000 to Perry Belfiore in 2007. This is perfectly legal and within campaign limits but does raise the issue of who Perry Belfiore closely associates with. Do we the taxpayer really want to even consider rallying around a man who takes donations from the criminal element? Question merely rhetorical. :)

3) I could only find one large developer contribution over $300 from West End Realty in the amount of $500. As long a no conflict of interest would have existed if Perry Belfiore was elected this likely passes the smell test. It will be worth watching the developer connections this go around should they materialize.

My comment: It should be pretty easy to simply ask Perry Belfiore and all the other 5th Ward candidates to file on time this election. At least challenger Scot Delea filed his ELECs on time so in that department he would appear to have a leg up on this rival challenger (not to mention a better wardrobe to boot). The Hoboken Journal will be watching for those ELECs to see who has been giving to who, who is filing on time, and who is "naughty" or "nice".
