Thursday, June 2, 2011

Note From Mayor Zimmer: Support Bhalla and Hoboken Needs a Surplus

This email went out from Dawn Zimmer's organization "Friends of Dawn Zimmer Hoboken Mayor" to alrage list of people but I figured I would share it here:

Dear Friends,

Thank you, thank you, and thank you for voting, volunteering, and telling all your friends to vote on May 10th to give us a new City Council majority that cares about the future of Hoboken.

Now it is crucial that this Tuesday, June 7th, we vote to increase our voice on the County and State level to keep moving our City ahead and position ourselves to demand lower taxes and more resources for Hoboken.

Please come out and vote this Tuesday, June 7th for Column C, Ravi Bhalla for Assembly and Democrats for Honest Government Committee candidates.

By getting out and voting, we send a message that we as taxpayers, are fed up and want fiscally responsible change on the County and State level.

Vote Column C for Change on Tuesday to give Hoboken a strong  county and state voice, and to prevent our opponents from wheeling development money through the Democratic committee. (They wheeled over $1 million through the committee for Mayor Roberts' election and will do it again if they can).

Voting on Tuesday sends a message to the County and the State that Hoboken needs more resources to help with our numerous challenges, and we absolutely want lower taxes on every level!

By voting yourself, and bringing a few friends, you have the power  to send a strong message to the County and the State that Hoboken wants change!

As I watched the Council meeting last night I was especially thankful that on July 1st I will have a Council willing to work with me on behalf of the people of Hoboken, and who won't play politics with our City's vital interests.

Last night the lame duck Council majority voted to ZERO OUT  our surplus. They are willing to destroy the fiscal health of our city, ensuring that we will face a fiscal crisis next year and in the forseeable future, resulting in massive tax increases and layoffs in future years, destroying our bond rating for years to come.

This was not done because of any genuine disagreement about policy;  it was done simply because they believe the crisis they will cause will  help them regain power.

Clearly, we need to keep pushing hard for change on the local, county and State level.
I am appalled and angry at their actions. Together, let’s translate this anger into pushing for a positive direction for our City. A strong showing for our Democratic Committee members in Column C will
raise our profile with the County.

Ravi is truly committed to fiscal responsibility and we need his voice in Trenton to represent Hoboken. If Ravi is elected, the reform Council members and I will choose his reform successor who
will serve until November 2012.

Together, this Tuesday, let’s keep pushing for change on the local, county and State level!

Many thanks!

- Mayor Dawn Zimmer

P.S. Find your Polling Place here: