Monday, July 25, 2011

Frank Lautenberg: "Christie is Evil" - Marriage Equality Rally in Hoboken NJ July 24th

With New York's gay marriage law going into effect yesterday, a rally was held to get the same full marriage rights for gay and lesbian couples in New Jersey as well at Pier A Park in Hoboken, NJ at 2 pm. Political attendees were Mayor Dawn Zimmer, Ravi Bhalla, Steve Fullop, Ray Lesniak, Carol Marsh, Jaimee Cryan, and Freeloader Freeholder Anthony Romano. The keynote speaker however was State Senator Frank Lautenberg while wearing a multicolored rainbow tie, who spoke in favor of marriage equality and spoke of the "evils of our governor" and that "we don't favor some of his evil missions such as cuts in education and health care". Mayor Zimmer was the first speaker and Frank followed up later with a very well received speech of his own. He is considered by some an iconic figure in the battle for civil rights.

Below are some photos and video of the rally, Frank Lautenberg's speech is at the end of the video:

Editor's Note: I went with angle of a section of Frank Lautenberg's speech calling Chris Christie as evil since none of the other media picked that up in the story. This was in no way meant to take away from the other speakers or even Frank's message of tolerance and fairness under the law. I do agree with Frank in that Christie is wrong to oppose marriage equality, I position I find socially unjust but not one of evil.
