Monday, April 20, 2009

NJPP Report on New Jersey's Economic Downturn

The NJPP an non-profit organization just released a report on the worsening economic conditions that have effected many residents in the State of New Jersey:

New NJPP report analyzes economic downturn
and consequences for New Jersey workers

The U.S. economy is badly broken: Americans have lost 4.4 million jobs since the recession began in December 2007. Unemployment reached 8.1 percent in February 2009, the highest in a quarter century, and many economists expect it to keep rising at least into 2010. Welcome to The Great Recession.

A new report, Economy in Crisis: The State of Working New Jersey, by NJPP Thomas Hartmann Policy Fellow Norman J. Glickman, analyzes the main issues facing both the U.S. and New Jersey economies and outlines the problems facing working people as the state and nation limp through the deepening recession.

Topics include:
- Rising unemployment
- Income and wealth gaps
- Industrial change and jobs
- Fraying social safety nets

Glickman's analysis shows that New Jersey, although relatively wealthy, faces a grim economic situation that will not improve without significant change in public policy. Basic principles such as improved and targeted job training, investing in infrastructure and tax reform are but a few recommendations New Jersey should consider to guide the state towards a fairer and more buoyant economy. The full report can be downloaded here

Here is the report on SlideShare:
