Saturday, April 4, 2009

Video of Louis Picardo Summary Arguments on 4/2/2009

Here are a few You Tube videos of the Louis Picardo Zoning Variance case decided just last Thursday April 2, 2009 at a special Zoning Board meeting. Mr. Picardo had applied for several variances type C and D to seek approval for a five family residence in an area that is currently zoned for 2 family maximum. 2. In order to get the variances approved Louis Picardo needed five yes votes and he got only four. Three on the Board voted no.

Here are two videos of the plaintiff 's summation stating the case against approving the variances. This is not the whole summary argument since that lasted well over 1/2hour.There are many salient and cogent legal points brought up on behalf of the residents on that block but brevity is not this seemingly well versed attorney's strong suits. Perhaps there were a lot of points to be made and in several spots he was actually asked to slow down so the stenographer could accurately record his summation:

Part 1 Excerpts

Part 2 Excerpts

Here is the attorney representing Mr. Picardo stating the case for the variances:
