Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Kim Glatt Flier Attacking Dawn Zimmer

Kim Glatt's campaign has been handing out fliers on the street that attack Dawn Zimmer for appointing three donors to her campaign to positions on Boards in Hoboken. It is true that Jonathan Metsch (HUMC Board), James Aibel (Zoning Board) and Jake Stuiver (HHA Board) have all donated to Dawn Zimmer's campaign for Mayor at one point. It should also be noted that all three board positions are unpaid and require a personal commitment from all three to donate their time to move Hoboken forward.

It should also be noted that under NJ law there is nothing illegal about these appointments. The way I see it Dawn appointed three people who are qualified and committed to implementing her vision for Hoboken.

Kim Glatt's campaign has been mostly on the attack but offers no platform and has been intentionally vague. She will get votes due to her appeal with old-time Hoboken (Dave Roberts, Al Arrezzo, etc.) and status-quo yuppies (Mike Novak).

For new and undecided voters what does her campaign give them that will make them want to vote for her? Not a critique of Kim per se but more a critique of her vacuous and "sense of entitlement" campaign.
