Monday, June 14, 2010

Richard Tremitiedi Remarks on last night's Municipal Garage Bond meeting

Here are the remarks from citizen Richard Tremitiedi on last night's bonding of the Municpal Garage on 6/13/2010......

"Tonight the city council is here to decide on an important matter regarding perplexing issues surrounding the sale and relocation of the Obs. Hwy Garage. My take is that they are here is person tonight to take the ACTION to correct the decisions of which include the mismanagement of the sale of this city asset to pay for operating expenses, the several and in my opinion bungled bid events which caused us to lose any financial ‘leverage’. There has also been considerable theatre regarding any relocation of this facility.

These are abject examples of why citizens should be informed and get involved in their local government so that those elected and entrusted with this responsibility can be held accountable.

That is why Mr. Mo DeGennaro and myself formed an informal effort called Citizens Against Mismanagement to get more public participation in civil affairs.

We had buttons distributed to illustrate this message. Help save Hoboken against Mismanagement and we all should have an EYE on this matter.

Regarding tonight’s decision to bond for $15 mil. to buy back this public works garage, I really don’t like it but it’s sort of like having to pay the cost of insurance. This bond seems to be required in order to protect the city from further financial losses. This is a hard decision but I believe that we must take the road to insure our financial stability and in this case, the protection afforded by the bond is necessary. Accordingly, I recommend that the council use their best judgment and wisdom to give us the option to buy back the garage to protect the taxpayer in this matter.

Again, I don’t like using the credit card approach, but in this case there appears to be no other viable avenue. Hence, tonight’s ACTION is necessary to correct the decisions of YESTERDAY!

The proper action tonight should help save Hoboken from the decisions of yesterday."

- Richard Tremitiedi

Editor's Note: If you want Lane Bajardi's remarks on why the Municipal Garage Bond should not have been passed and how all volunteers in the Zimmer Administration are blind zealots following the cue of puppet master Mike Lenz go to Hoboken 411. This website has commically reported the garage into two places at the same time on the same thread.

One Hoboken Journal reader commented on this apparent repudiation of the laws of physics:

"Maybe this is too obvious, but Perry currently has two graphics on his website, on the same topic, and actually within the same post, pointing to a garage going in two different locations.


I know subatomic particles can occupy two places simultaneously, but garages can't do this. Quantum physics principles don't apply to macro objects, probably because of gravity, but I digress." ◦