Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thank You Beth Mason! - Hoboken Journal Editorial Opinion

Thank you Beth Mason for putting taxpayer interests and the interests of all Hoboken ahead of politics. I am empathetic to your concerns on this Municipal Garage issue and I concur that of course it could have been handled better.

I have been critical of your votes and conduct on the City Council as of late but your vote last night was the correct vote even though the situation was not ideal. I would hope to see more cooperation from you in the future on such key issues. I do think it is important to state was is obvious to me but might not be to you is that there are limits to transparency. This is especially true when the City can not necessarily divulge everything as it might lose negotiating leverage on issues such as the municipal garage.

As a general supporter of what this Administration is trying to accomplish, I still have questions that need to be answered too on this issue and the one that stands out to me is why so late with the RFPs? The process to me on bidding does in fact seem to be followed but I will concur it seemed a little too much 11th hour for my comfort. This Administration might not be perfect but it is moving in the right direction and is filled with people who want to contribute without respect to financial gain. I encourage you to to continue to ask the tough questions yes (just ask better ones)  but to also support the Administration when it is trying to make positive change.

I have been walking around the 2nd Ward and among the ever growing circle of people I know, your support among real reformers has definitely eroded based on your recent conduct and votes on the City Council. Perhaps this vote can be the beginning of a turnaround to get these key people back in your corner. Perhaps it is too late for you politically after you threw away your base in the last Mayoral election. I don't know for sure  as I am not a highly paid political consultant but I do trust my instincts. More importantly while you are still on the City Council, whether it is for only one term or many, I would hope you would start to put the interests of the taxpayer and all of Hoboken in the appropriate balance when making your decisions. Last night, you served those well with your cross-over vote.

Thank you. ◦