Thursday, October 28, 2010

"Hoboken Advocate" on Watershed Election on Tuesday - Vote for Michael Lenz!

I received this email from "Hoboken Advocate" who is a resident of Hoboken and is supporting Mike Lenz. His/her well thought out points behind his/her support are below. I amped up the graphic a bit with some verbiage to go with Uncle Sam but here is the email in its entirety below:

Please vote for Mike Lenz, the 5th Vote on the City Council, on Tuesday, November 2nd so that we can keep moving the 4th Ward and the City forward.

I support Michael Lenz. As your neighbor, I urge you to vote for Lenz. Please make time to go to the polls.

The 4th Ward seat is important for the 4th Ward regarding issues that pertain to the neighborhood: Safety, flooding, Senior Services (the 4th Ward is home to the Hoboken Low Income Housing Authority which has a large Senior population) open space, rent control.

This seat is also important to all of Hoboken because the Council votes on Hoboken wide issue that effect all of us and certainly our taxes such as continuing through on the:

Property Tax Reduction:

  • Hoboken Fire Department audit - there are likely similar savings to the Police Dept to be had at the Fire Dept. Cuts and any redeployment will not happen if the old regime takes control of the Council.
  • Executing against improper administration of subsidized housing programs - this represents millions of uncollected tax revenue every year that is going to buildings that by and large have too many residents who make well over the income limit. We are subsidizing a huge number of affluent people for what?? Because in the past they controlled the local government.
  • Continued contract negotiations for benefit concessions for the Police and Fire contracts
  • Privatization of the Hoboken University Medical Center (which the city is backing and has been losing money year over year - privatization will get us out of being liable for losses and bond payments.)

Other issues that I cannot see being addressed without Mike Lenz:

  • Build a large SW Park and bring balanced development for our neighborhood: Two essential studies will be completed within months - and we risk losing the chance to build a park without Mike Lenz on the Council. A Russo led Council will turn us back with a Developer friendly Zoning Board that gives away variances.
  • Solving the flooding cost-effectively for the long term: Mike fought very hard to make sure the 4th Ward pump that will help the neighborhood next spring was built FIRST not LAST as originally planned. We need the Zimmer team to keep moving on solving this urgent issue.
  •  Continue bringing innovative transportation options like Hertz Connect Corner Cars & the HOP bus. Mike's opponent stands against these programs, and a Russo led majority will stop them.

This will be yet another extremely close election when every vote counts. So please make sure to vote.

Even if your friends don't live in the 4th Ward, tell them to spread the word too. They may know someone who knows someone in the 4th ward. ◦