Monday, October 25, 2010

Hoboken Launches "Twenty is Plenty" Driver Safety Awareness Program

Another QLC and public safety awareness initiative from the City of Hoboken.......

Public Awareness Campaign Aims To Make Hoboken Streets Safer For Pedestrians

The City of Hoboken is launching the "Twenty is Plenty" driving and pedestrian safety public awareness campaign to encourage drivers to consider driving no faster than 20 mph despite the 25 mph speed limit on most Hoboken streets. The campaign is inspired by the “20’s Plenty for Us” effort started in Britain.

“We live in one of the most walkable cities in the world, but if we want our streets to be truly inviting and safe for everyone – including children walking to school and the elderly and disabled crossing the street -- then we all need to slow down a little bit,” said Mayor Dawn Zimmer. “Making our streets safer and move vibrant is good for residents, visitors, and businesses.”

While driving in New Jersey is often high speed, Hoboken’s community streets are full of people on foot, so slow driving isn’t just the law – it saves lives. Most streets in Hoboken have a 25 mph speed limit, but that is a maximum speed limit; driving just 5 mph slower has a profound impact on the safety of walking residents.

During a collision with a vehicle driving 40 mph, the chance of pedestrian death is 85% according to the National Cooperative Highway Research Program, but the risk of fatality drops dramatically with lower speeds.

“In fact, for drivers speeding along our streets at 30 mph, the risk of pedestrian fatality is 40%,” said Transportation and Parking Director Ian Sacs. “If drivers keep to 20 mph on our streets, the risk drops to just 5%!”

The City is promoting the Twenty is Plenty effort through newspapers, flyers at the Parking Utility, and with electronic street signs at major incoming streets.

Since everyone in Hoboken finds themselves walking from time to time, advocacy for slower driving is advocacy for all of us. For that reason, the City is advocating slower driving for the safety of you, your family, and your neighbors.

Click below to view the Twenty is Plenty website and download the information sheet and flyer:
