Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"Reform" City Council Candidate Facebook Roundup

So far four "Reform" candidates have officially declared they are running in this May's City Council races. What I mean by a "Reform" candidate in this context is simply better, open and more efficient governance, a departure from past practices of patronage and back room deals that has plagued this city. While these candidates don't yet have their websites up and running yet, they are on Facebook. Note: The 3rd and 6th Ward races have still not officially fostered any reform or good governance candidates as of yet. Stay tuned for further developments on that front.

If you haven't already go to each of these candidates Facebook pages and if you like them click on the "like" button. It is a good way to let them know that their name is at least out there.

"Reform" City Council Candidate Facebook Roundup:

1st Ward - Eric Kurta

Facebook Page:
2nd Ward - Tom Greaney

Facebook Page:

4th Ward - Rami Pinchevsky

Facebook Page:

5th Ward - Peter Cunningham

Facebook Page:
