Just days after Hoboken completed installation of the wireless flood monitoring system, 4th Ward Hoboken Council candidate Rami Pinchevsky sent an email to Mayor Dawn Zimmer and Director of Environmental Services Director Jennifer Maier asking that the City do more to clear the streets after moderate to heavy rains.
“Over the last few days, Hoboken has undergone a number of flood watches. Although, the city did not receive enough precipitation to create a flooding emergency, it did spawn a separate public nuisance.” Puddles of overflow from the sewage system have accumulated on the sidewalks and streets of the 4th Ward. The stagnant water, dirt, garbage, and other pollutants is unsightly and may even pose a health concern.
Rami wrote in his email, “while I applaud your tireless efforts to correct the underlying causes of the flooding problem, I ask for your help in providing city residents with short-term relief in the aftermath of flooding. I am asking that the City do more to clear the streets and sidewalks following moderate to heavy rainfall, which would go a long way towards improving the conditions of our streets and improving the quality of life for 4th Ward residents.”
Rami is an outspoken advocate for the new flood monitoring system as the first step toward creating a smart, cost-effective flood prevention system in Hoboken. His own car has been flooded twice in recent years. In contrast, his opponent adamantly opposed the flood monitoring system as a waste of taxpayer money since residents “could simply watch The Weather Channel.”
For more information about Rami Pinchevsky, please visit
Photos of the sewage overflow are here:
Video of Occhipinti's statements against flood monitoring system: ◦