Thursday, May 5, 2011

Jib Jab Video: What it could be like if People don't get out and Vote Tuesday May 10th

Here is a haunting parody of what the "Council of No" otherwise known as the "New Majority" could be doing if not enough tax payers get out and vote May 10th.

The Hoboken "Council of No" that consists of incumbents Beth Mason, Terry Castellano, Mike Russo, Nino Giacchi and Tim Occhipinti has fought Mayor Zimmer and her positive agenda at every turn just for the sake of politics. If not enough people turn out at the polls to vote them out, the keepers of the old guard way of patronage, graft, corruption and selling the city out to developers will still continue for at least 4 years. Does Hoboken really need another 4 years of that from this group of obstructionist scoundrels?

See this video of potential celebration and hopefully it will motivate you to get out and tell it to anyone that will listen, The Beth Mason and Mike Russo Axis of Corruption and Obstruction must be stopped. What honest taxpayer that wants good government wants to see this?
