Had she been there she would have undoubtedly bought every one a round with her husband's hard earned money. It seems Mrs. Mason has been emboldened by the success of vote buying in the 4th leading to a truly ill prepared and allegedly bought and paid for candidate winning. She spent a lot of money on TV ads right before the 4th Ward special election and a few people reported her buying rounds at 2nd Ward bars during the Giants/Cowboy's Monday night football game.
Anyway I digress. Here are some highlights of a fun time last night at Maxwells. Apparently this guy and his musical partner have done this show at Maxwell's for the last 5 years. What a great tradition. Does Beth Mason "Feel good" now that a very viable candidate in Tom Greaney has announced. I know several former avid Mason supporters that intend to host private fundraisers on Tom's behalf. So I ask again, how does Beth Mason feel about her chances in the spring. Does she "Feel Good"?
Pardon the poor quality of the video and sound as this was done via iPhone in dim lighting.
James Brown Impersonator at Maxwell's Holiday Party Part 1:
James Brown Impersonator at Maxwell's Holiday Party Part 2: