Update 7/14/2010:
I received an email from a Hoboken Journal reader encouraging me to continue with the satire on my site and to ignore the "blow-hards". Here is the brief note.....
"I don't know if you decided to kill the jib jabs voluntarily or if people were leaning on you but, if the latter, then my advice is to ignore them - we need opinionated independent voices in this town and yours is a unique and valued one - satire is always going to drive some people, and sometimes even unintended targets, crazy, but that's what makes it deliver its message so clearly - and the fact that your site mixes up satire, editorializing and news is what makes it an interesting place to visit - so if there are blow-hards out there just stick your earplugs in and keep doing what you've been doing."
- Hoboken Journal Reader
My response: Yes, there definitely has been some leaning on me but my decision to take a break is more reflective of my desire to figure out what exactly my blog will do and won't do. Also a factor in this are my concerns about the general political movement towards progress in Hoboken I support despite my occasional disagreements with reformers from time to time.
One of the problems I have with the recent reactions by some over the Jib Jab videos is what I view as an over-reaction by a few very vocal people. I wanted some time to assess if those concerns have any merit. I ultimately feel that I must maintain my own opinions and express them as such. I think that when I do give my opinion on this blog they will for a lack of a better word have more heft, something that on a physical level I have in abundance.
At this point it is important that I remind readers that my break with Beth Mason occurred shortly after her handlers and Beth herself were very critical of what I had honestly wrote on an issue. Here is my hope that history does not repeat itself. There is much at stake.
Original Post 7/12/10:
I will be taking a break for a while with respect to Jib Jab with one duly noted and timely exception on August 3rd since it is related to a historical event in Hoboken's political history and simply must be lampooned. Some Hoboken residents and politicos are simply not ready for political satire with this newer medium even though the very concept of political satire and the protection and has been a principle of the foundation of our very liberties in America from its inception.
I have come to the realization that even though my blog is my own,such satire could impact the efforts of a political movement I support and for this I must take personal responsibility. There also is the possible undesired effect that some forms of satire could have on this blog in terms of honestly discussing the issues. Hence a bit of a Jib Jab break is in store until I figure out how to better balance my creative need for parody without detracting from the goals of informative discussion. Perhaps the goal of informed discussion and satire are mutually exclusive and perhaps not. That is a part of the evolution that this site is going through and sometimes it can be a bumpy ride. I can assure my readership that my view of Jib Jab is a light hearted parody in a political sense. It is unfortunate that some people don't see it that way. Perhaps those people don't know me very well.
So my dilemma now is how to write with my occasionally comedic style without crossing any invisible or visible barriers that may or may not be there or inhibiting what distinguishes my website from others out there with my own unique voice. Any suggestions in the comments below would be helpful. This is my site and I don't have to listen to anyone but I do take constructive criticism or suggestions pretty well. Thanks for reading. ◦

davidd · 765 weeks ago
deleted5542758 83p · 765 weeks ago
khoboken · 765 weeks ago
JibJabNation · 765 weeks ago
It's ok, this just makes the rest of us want to use JIbJab even more, you started it, were gonna finish it.
JibJabNation · 765 weeks ago
<div style='background-color:#e9e9e9; width: 425px;'><object id='A64060' quality='high' data='http://aka.zero.jibjab.com/client/zero/ClientZero_EmbedViewer.swf?external_make_id=mxdQc5jW1UqoZm5c&service=sendables.jibjab.com&partnerID=everyday_fun' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' wmode='transparent' height='319' width='425'><param name='wmode' value='transparent'></param><param name='movie' value='http://aka.zero.jibjab.com/client/zero/ClientZero_EmbedViewer.swf?external_make_id=mxdQc5jW1UqoZm5c&service=sendables.jibjab.com&partnerID=everyday_fun'></param><param name='scaleMode' value='showAll'></param><param name='quality' value='high'></param><param name='allowNetworking' value='all'></param><param name='allowFullScreen' value='true' /><param name='FlashVars' value='external_make_id=mxdQc5jW1UqoZm5c&service=sendables.jibjab.com&partnerID=everyday_fun'></param><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'></param></object><div style='text-align:center; width:435px; margin-top:6px;'>Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!</div></div>
hullabaloo · 765 weeks ago
Grafix Avenger · 765 weeks ago
But in fact, though I understand your decision to halt the type of satire you've been doing recently, I don't believe that you should feel compelled to stop ALL satirical jibs and jabs. I mean, that if your satire is targeted-- more directed at a specific event, incident, statement, etc. and you are serving it to make a point (or statement) I don't see that as harmful at all. It could even be helpful. JibJabs are funny, but fall under more generalist type of humor... more burlesque, really. You don't have to STOP being funny, and you are a naturally funny kind of guy, just I would say hone your jabs and jibs to make a targeted political point or statement. That's fundamentally American.
This coming from someone who's gotten a lot of push back, who's learned a few things, and who's made mistakes.
khoboken · 765 weeks ago
Eloquently stated. Will not add anything as I woudl vote for kickign them int he balls all the harder and make thme cry til they laugh. I am sure that advice would get RG in trouble and will ikely get a few brick bats throiwn at me.
Lenz will lose · 765 weeks ago
Lenz will lose · 765 weeks ago
khoboken · 765 weeks ago
« hullabaloo wrote on Tuesday, Jul 13 at 11:00 AM »
Who does Occhipinti think he's fooling when he claims he's lacking in political connections and financial resources? Occhipinti has only been in Hoboken for a couple of years but he's as politically connected as it gets starting with his mentor Maurice Fitzgibbons who mentored convicted ex-Mayor Cammarano and Campos before him. Occhipinti is using Mason's campaign manager Ryan Yacco. And when Fitzgibbons isn't available to chaperone Occhipinti Perry Belfiore is only to happy to supervise. Oh and there will be money Occhipint won't have to worry about that with these connections. What Occhipinti doesn't have is independence. Just days before Cammarano's arrest Occhipinti was arguing against returning zoning board authority to city council and in favor of concentrating mayoral power; Occhipinti wasn't unconnected or independent then and he isn't now; this bewildered little boy lost political neophyte routine isn't fooling anyone.
Read more: Hudson Reporter - Hoboken’s 4th Ward needs a dedicated representative
As if you think anyone believes TIMMAY! is independent.
I LUV TIMMAY! · 765 weeks ago
p1ywood 98p · 765 weeks ago
deleted5542758 83p · 765 weeks ago
deleted5542758 83p · 765 weeks ago
In addition, and maybe my attitude was colored by that vote, I did not like the way ML went after Ian Sachs. I listened to Ian, he made a lot of sense, and the attitude ML took with him was atrocious. Last night was definitely eye opening for me. I'm about one meeting away from supporting Timmay (lol, ok, not really going to support him, but I can see actively advocating that my friends in the 4th not vote for Mike or Tim, and let the "chips fall as they may").
Does Waiters live in the 4th? Maybe she'll run.
On a serious note, November just got very interesting. IMO, this opens the door to a reform candidate stepping up & running against Mike. Is Rami still interested?
Gardiner4Hoboken 90p · 765 weeks ago
khoboken · 765 weeks ago
khoboken · 765 weeks ago
Confucious · 764 weeks ago
Guest II · 764 weeks ago
As for TS, he can be a pain in the ass but he also is one of the few people I think can both handle the position as far as getting the needed work done and defusing the political BS on that Board.
I don't see any other viable reform candidate in the 4th Ward emerging by November and to lose the City Council majority would be a bad for all reform minded people.
Katie_Scarlett · 764 weeks ago
khoboken · 764 weeks ago
The credibility issue is the dual corn cob TS problem. TS has several ways to deal with this. He can refuse to take benies from the Sewer Authority, he can resign from the Zoning Board, or he can resign from the ML campagin. He can't do all three. It exposes ML and TS to legimate scrutiny as political cronies who are in the race for their own gain, which is the definition that I, and many others, apply to the term "Old Guard". From now on, TS needs to identify from which vantage point he is making any post: private citizen, political consultant, Zoning Board member or Sewer Authoirty member. His last round of comments are certainly highly suspect now, given his failure to disclose his pending nomintation to the Sewer Authority, a fact that he clearly had to know about in advance when the posts were being made. And which he should have disclosed.
khoboken · 764 weeks ago
indiecom · 764 weeks ago
deleted5542758 83p · 764 weeks ago
Mike nominated Tony Soares for the sewage authority, and the 5 aye votes were Mike, Carol, Peter, Russo & Theresa. Ravi, Giacchi & Beth voted no.
My issue with Tony on two boards is this:
1. It looks like a handout from Mike to Tony for working on his campaign
2. Reason #1 is one of the things the reformers aren't supposed to do, that was part of the "we're different" approach.
3. I realize that right now Tony isn't working full time, and has more time to devote to these boards, but what will happen when he has a job? Is he going to have time to do both fully?
4. There are 30,000+ people in Hoboken - I'm to believe that among them no one else was ready, willing & able to do it?
5. Brian was also in the running, he isn't on another board and was the better choice.
6. See my post above for the personal reasons that i'm against it
7. I don't trust Tony - recall his nomination for the 4th ward seat from Mike Russo last year? That didn't happen by itself.
khoboken · 764 weeks ago
khoboken · 764 weeks ago
Read the Patch article about the appointment, and note respnose from TS when asked if he would be taking the health benefits package: "that's irrelevant." , claiming that he currently has health care overage and pulled out his card to prove it. Actually this is worse than I thought it would be. Does TS think that no one gets that the non-contribution benefits package from the Sewer Authority is not a HUGE perk to him? Funded by the taxpayers and that this looks like polticial paybakck from ML to his trusted current compaign advisor? And now TS claims to be buddy with M. Russo? I guess those luches with him really did rub off some of the Old Guard stench. I am begining to think that he and ML are just tone deaf.
tburns · 764 weeks ago
guest · 764 weeks ago
khoboken · 764 weeks ago
The Question · 764 weeks ago
JibJabNation · 764 weeks ago
Not so OK Corral · 764 weeks ago
arslan672 119p · 446 weeks ago
arslan672 119p · 446 weeks ago
arslan672 119p · 446 weeks ago
arslan672 119p · 446 weeks ago
arslan672 119p · 446 weeks ago