Friday, July 16, 2010

Update: JibJab Video Editorial and City Council Appointments Thread

Update 7/16/2010: This has become the defacto thread for discussion of Wednesday night's City Council meeting and the appointments made. Hence I have bumped it up.

Update 7/14/2010:

I received an email from a Hoboken Journal reader encouraging me to continue with the satire on my site and to ignore the "blow-hards". Here is the brief note.....

"I don't know if you decided to kill the jib jabs voluntarily or if people were leaning on you but, if the latter, then my advice is to ignore them - we need opinionated independent voices in this town and yours is a unique and valued one - satire is always going to drive some people, and sometimes even unintended targets, crazy, but that's what makes it deliver its message so clearly - and the fact that your site mixes up satire, editorializing and news is what makes it an interesting place to visit - so if there are blow-hards out there just stick your earplugs in and keep doing what you've been doing."

- Hoboken Journal Reader

My response: Yes, there definitely has been some leaning on me but my decision to take a break is more reflective of my desire to figure out what exactly my blog will do and won't do. Also a factor in this are my concerns about the general political movement towards progress in Hoboken I support despite my occasional disagreements with reformers from time to time.

One of the problems I have with the recent reactions by some over the Jib Jab videos is what I view as an over-reaction by a few very vocal people. I wanted some time to assess if those concerns have any merit. I ultimately feel that I must maintain my own opinions and express them as such. I think that when I do give my opinion on this blog they will for a lack of a better word have more heft, something that on a physical level I have in abundance.

At this point it is important that I remind readers that my break with Beth Mason occurred shortly after her handlers and Beth herself were very critical of what I had honestly wrote on an issue. Here is my hope that history does not repeat itself. There is much at stake.

Original Post 7/12/10:

I will be taking a break for a while with respect to Jib Jab with one duly noted and timely exception on August 3rd since it is related to a historical event in Hoboken's political history and simply must be lampooned. Some Hoboken residents and politicos are simply not ready for political satire with this newer medium even though the very concept of political satire and the protection and has been a principle of the foundation of our very liberties in America from its inception.

I have come to the realization that even though my blog is my own,such satire could impact the efforts of a political movement I support and for this I must take personal responsibility. There also is the possible undesired effect that some forms of satire could have on this blog in terms of honestly discussing the issues. Hence a bit of a Jib Jab break is in store until I figure out how to better balance my creative need for parody without detracting from the goals of informative discussion. Perhaps the goal of informed discussion and satire are mutually exclusive and perhaps not. That is a part of the evolution that this site is going through and sometimes it can be a bumpy ride. I can assure my readership that my view of Jib Jab is a light hearted parody in a political sense. It is unfortunate that some people don't see it that way. Perhaps those people don't know me very well.

So my dilemma now is how to write with my occasionally comedic style without crossing any invisible or visible barriers that may or may not be there or inhibiting what distinguishes my website from others out there with my own unique voice. Any suggestions in the comments below would be helpful. This is my site and I don't have to listen to anyone but I do take constructive criticism or suggestions pretty well. Thanks for reading. ◦