Option can save businesses $1,000 per year while creating more parking for customers
As a result of feedback received from the business community, the City of Hoboken is now offering businesses a new free parking permit option allowing discounted parking in municipal garages. The new option, which can save businesses nearly $1,000 per year in parking costs per vehicle, is only valid in combination with the purchase of $5/day merchant coupons to park in municipal parking garages and does not permit on-street parking. The original $200 business permit that also allows on-street parking is still available as an option.
A new option for Hoboken Businesses to choose from |
“I am glad that by working with the business community, we are finding solutions that work for both businesses and their customers,” said Mayor Dawn Zimmer. “I hope businesses will take advantage of this new option, and we encourage everyone to do their shopping in Hoboken and support our local businesses this holiday season.”
On December 3rd, Mayor Dawn Zimmer and Transportation and Parking Director Ian Sacs met with approximately 30 members of the Chamber of Commerce to discuss parking and transportation concerns with the business community. One of the concerns raised by business owners is that parking is incredibly difficult for customers. At the meeting, Director Sacs noted that nationwide, 40% to 60% of on-street parking in retail areas is occupied by business owners and their employees, and many attendees agreed with the statement. As a result, the turnover of those spaces is very low and makes parking more difficult for their own customers. Director Sacs mentioned that those with business permits can already park in municipal garages at the discounted rate of $5 for 12 hours – less than the $8 it costs to feed the meters for 8 hours, which is technically not legal. By saving $3 per day, a business can save nearly $800 per year compared to feeding the meters for on-street parking. While this alternative was well received, one owner noted the high upfront cost of paying $200 for a business permit, only to have to pay an additional $5 per day. In response, Director Sacs committed on the spot to creating a new free business permit option in addition to the normal $200 permit.
Permits must be clearly displayed on the dashboard at all times when in Hoboken. This new permit option is available immediately at the Parking Utility in the basement of City Hall, 94 Washington Street.

David A. Liebler · 744 weeks ago
NewCityTimmy · 744 weeks ago
Cincy · 744 weeks ago
So you complain about Hoboken residents being lazy but now you want a shuttle for businesses so they don't have to walk to a garage.
David A. Liebler · 744 weeks ago
guest · 744 weeks ago
David A. Liebler · 744 weeks ago
We need more open space for parking for business clients.
The shuttle from the garages as a combo deal with the city and chamber of commerce would assist. That is all I was saying. If they don't do another shuttle...ok.
David A. Liebler · 744 weeks ago
The city needs to do all they can to support and work with the business community to uncover new ideas that can assist in generating more revenue for the city.
NewCityTimmy · 744 weeks ago
Aren't they supposed to raise funds for the main street initiatives?
EasyE · 744 weeks ago
No one is being forced to use it. If they want ease in parking they can use it and walk, if not, they can continue to take their chances like they always have.
The entire city is easily accessible from the garages. Nothing is more than a 15 minute walk to the furthest reaches of town. Washington Street is always packed, back on Adams, not so much (unless you're near Fiore's!)
The garages have plenty of room in them, so this doesn't cost the city a dime and will increase parking fees, even if they are discounted. it's a cheap sensible solution that uses existing infrastructure to free up parking during business hours for customers.
David A. Liebler · 744 weeks ago
And the mayor was just speaking about this last week about a new shuttle van.
Why don't you guys ever question our Mayor?
My point about the garages was a point that everyone said about corner cars..........garages are not everywhere.
But if you want to make that arguement that everything is a 15 min walk then put corner cars into the garages because I agree we are all to lazy anyway....walk a little.
deleted8670214 100p · 744 weeks ago
David A. Liebler · 744 weeks ago
But I do agree that they should still use them, when possible.
Or use them and just walk to work.
EasyE · 744 weeks ago
NewCityTimmy · 744 weeks ago
Soon after he went on typo-filled tirades on every blog in town.
Liebler is also the PR man for many of the problems we get from the new "Lounges" and clubs in town
David A. Liebler · 744 weeks ago
I was never interested in being her spokeperson. I wanted to be involved with the website and the overhaul and that is why the Mayor contacted me, but then changed her mind to have a face to face meeting.
Probably due to my Peter Cammarano support that I offered as a volunteer. OLD NEWS.
As far a me being the PR guys for the "new lounges" or " the hospitality" sector, I am not!
I own a successful website called EatDrinkHoboken.com and in 2011 I will be creating:
EatDrinkMorristown and EatDrinkJerseyCity.com.
I only had one client tell me the problem with parking for employees and he suggested we increase the meter time to 4 hours. When I spoke to IAN he mentioned to me that there is a $5 deal.
I told IAN that he should use the city website and develop more marketing collateral to support the initiative and guess what ....HE DID. You see reasonable people can talk things out and solve problems.
What are you doing for Hoboken Mr. NewCityTimmy that is helping Hoboken?
Last Point: The lounges and bars in Hoboken make Hoboken an attraction and a revenue producer for the city. Should they all pack up their bags and get out of town due to NCT complaining?
Stop bitching, complaining and attacking under fake names. Stop being a coward!
NewCityTimmy · 744 weeks ago
And no I'm not telling YOU my name, no more than your pal Marcus, and your role model Lane Bajardi who you are fast becoming the boy wonder to...
David A. Liebler · 744 weeks ago
Other then that one comment, I could not care less about corner cars. The city and our Mayor need to work on more pressing issues then a corporate rental car program.
With that being said I am surprised that all this energy went into the corner cars program and tons of people showing up to support it at the city council meeting. (Tons of New politicians in the making) making their votes as they prepare for the election cycle.
I saw the future 1st ward, 2nd ward and 4th ward potential city council challengers all get up and speak out for corner cars! Amazing positioning, photo ops and video taped recordings to prepare them for the elections.
Where was everyone for the last 2 nights............the western edge and getting a community center is NOT more important then some corner cars program that get 40 people to hand in permits.
Seems odd!
EasyE · 744 weeks ago
There's a vocal minority in Hoboken that is against anything that comes out of City Hall, not because it's a bad idea, but because of where it comes from. Sorry if I lumped you in that camp, but I do recall you hollering at the council at the meeting, so I wondered.
I don't care about a community center. I won't use it, but I would imagine some will benefit from it. I wonder how much it will cost and what small fraction of the population will benefit? Makes you wonder why no one is asking that question.
NewCityTimmy · 744 weeks ago
You acted like a fool at the Rue School the other night
Don't worry, I ain't stopping. I got your number and I will make sure everyone knows what a sham/shill/hack you really are!
NewCityTimmy · 744 weeks ago
Build a big outdoor pool and charge like all towns do and be done with it!
Enough Toddler crap!
NewCityTimmy · 744 weeks ago
Liebler are you offering garage space to the city for free?
Most garages are PROPERTY of PRIVATE condos or Luxury rentals why should they give up parking so a bunch of backwater minded politicians and bloodsucking leeches get more spaces?
Corner Cars are very popular with the 25-35 years olds your boy Timmy thinks he's in tune with....Well, he better wisen up or his tenure on the council will soon end!
Go Rami Go!
David A. Liebler · 744 weeks ago
You have a lot of comments...............many make no sense
I am not for free garages...........
NewCityTimmy · 744 weeks ago
My name doesn't matter anymore than your pal Marcus or many of your Mentor Bajardi's multiple screen names...
You are not for free garages GOOD! But you want free deals for businesses?
You want corner cars off corners?
You like Zimmer but you trash everything she does?
You are a living OXY-Moron.. oh maybe just drop the "OXY" part...
David A. Liebler · 744 weeks ago
Man UP!
Or are you just another wimp in town who likes to attack people all day. At least I will accomplish things in this life, what are you but a wimp, scared little person hiding behind made up names to protect themselves.....
grow a set of balls.................
NewCityTimmy · 744 weeks ago
And I will make it my mission to avoid anyone who advertises on your site.
deleted8670214 100p · 744 weeks ago
guest · 744 weeks ago
Guest · 744 weeks ago
David A. Liebler · 744 weeks ago
NewCityTimmy · 744 weeks ago
Alienate the majority of residents WHO love the Mayor.
Make friends with Unemployed News Anchors and Elitist Councilwomen who spend their dough in Manhattan...
Liebler you are a genius
guest · 744 weeks ago
David A. Liebler · 744 weeks ago
Which is a good thing.
Being pro-active our mayor on this issue, I like it.
I do not suggest the city spend money on another shuttle but if more shuttles are something that the administration believe we need, I would not fight it. They do research on this. Maybe they cut a deal with all the businesses in town. Anything is possible.
EricKurta · 744 weeks ago
NewCityTimmy · 744 weeks ago
They are whining
deleted8670214 100p · 744 weeks ago
David A. Liebler · 744 weeks ago
After the city council meeting, Iam came to me and asked if I knew about the $5 business deal.
I said No.
He Told me.
I agreed it was a good plan.
I said you should PR it more so everyone knows.
Case closed.
F-OFF to the haters who keep attacking me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Once I find out exactly who you are (AND I WILL) I will begin my person blog attack on you and you can see how it feels.
Drop the baggage and start listening to the issues that I address.
Focus on looking at it from my point of view for one minute before you decide to attack me.
I am pretty reasonable.
CEO EatDrinkHoboken
Hoboken resident 11 years!
Help Hoboken!
deleted8670214 100p · 744 weeks ago
David A. Liebler · 744 weeks ago
Check out the NYC.gov site and ask yourself....am I the idiot or really is it you.
Let me cut to the chase....NYC street meters range from 1-12 hours depending on the street.
What would make sense is having certain meters be available on washington st for more time and for a higher price. Price will determine who parks where! This way the city makes more money on street parking and business people will start to realize that the garage is cheaper.
Parking rates for single-space parking meters and multiple-space muni-meters vary by street location across the five boroughs. Parking rates are posted on each parking meter and muni-meter, and the legal parking duration is posted in the top left hand corner of the green meter signs. Legal parking durations vary from 1 hour to 12 hours. Parking is generally free on Sunday.
Rates for commercial vehicles are $2.50 for one hour, $5 for two hours, and $9 for three hours of parking for loading and unloading.
Do some more homework before you attack.
David Liebler
deleted8670214 100p · 744 weeks ago
Take a lesson from Perry's crash & burn w/ his site, stick to restaurant reviews.
BTW - you didn't say spit about tiered pricing so don't say I didn't do my homework b/c you never brought it up. Had you done that I've still said it was an idiotic idea b/c people will still go out every 2 hours and "pretend" they moved their car so they could avoid paying the higher hourly fee. We don't have enough people on staff (or enough intelligent people on staff) to police this and I have less than no interest in hiring more city workers.
NewCityTimmy · 744 weeks ago
That could fund a nice parking program.
Liebeler a majority of businesses like Tutta/200 are supposed to be participating in PARK nSHOP! That's the law.
By why follow the law when it's so much easier to profit by breaking it? Right?
Your whole gang are nothing but a bunch of crooked politicians and tax draining scum
David A. Liebler · 744 weeks ago
You keep attacking me....Why? Because I hold people accountable?
As far as 200 Lounge goes, YES, I was paid handsomely to open their new lounge, which is by far the busiest new club in Hoboken on a Friday and Saturday night!
Danny Aeillo is not involved in Tutta Pasta, he is simply a friend and the comedy show is cancelled.
Whining........I think NOT. 200 Lounge/Tutta Pasta couldn't care less about parking. They are more interested in serving good food and enjoying their new club.
PS NewCityTimmy......you will not get into 200 Lounge unless your on a list, so you should let me know who you are so I can get you in!
guest · 744 weeks ago
And give it up with the Cammarano supporter crap- if you know as much as you claim, you know that Cammarano supported every expendure that Roberts put up, as well as supporting an underfunded illegal budget. You worked on Occhipinti's campaign which is now under investigation for voter fraud. Who do you think you're kidding?
YOu want respect, earn it.
OLDNEWCOMER2 · 744 weeks ago
Pat Sajack · 744 weeks ago
David A. Liebler · 744 weeks ago
Have a set.......say your name....then attack me like that. I created the EatDrinkHoboken VIP Card to create a fundraising effort for Church Square Park and Project Play. This initiative took a tremendous amount of time and resources to become a success.
How dare you!
What have you done for the city of Hoboken??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I also blogged about having more cops on the street..............
About cutting back all the trees and bushes on Sinatra..........
I am talking about the YMCA and the potential to buy it for the community.......
I am sure I do more then you suggest and at the end of the day.....people see who I am and what I stand for.
Can't say the same for you. Coward!
David A Liebler
NewCityTimmy · 744 weeks ago
Man you are the biggest private sector welfare advocate I have ever heard.
Not to mention while you are living in the tax abated 333 River!
deleted8670214 100p · 744 weeks ago
David · 744 weeks ago
deleted8670214 100p · 744 weeks ago
David · 744 weeks ago
NewCityTimmy · 744 weeks ago
Gardiner4Hoboken 90p · 744 weeks ago
Sent from my iPhone
deleted8670214 100p · 744 weeks ago
guest · 744 weeks ago
tell you f*(king clowns to go eslewhere- they played that game here already! You Buffoon..
guest8675309 · 744 weeks ago
guest · 744 weeks ago
NewCityTimmy · 744 weeks ago
A few hours ago you stated :
"As far a me being the PR guys for the "new lounges" or " the hospitality" sector, I am not!
I own a successful website called EatDrinkHoboken.com and in 2011 I will be creating:
EatDrinkMorristown and EatDrinkJerseyCity.com. "
So now who are we supposed to listen to a jilted city employee wannabee or the taxpayers who are paying for the bloodsucking businesses who have their hand out costing us Police and Fire O.T., extra trash collection and streets filled with vomit that pay you now?
@TaithBedwenAria · 744 weeks ago
I'm personally tired of you trying anonymous posters the way you do.
I don't post my name because I grew up online, I used to log into BBS systems in the early 80's. I posted on Prodigy and other systems. I learned a long time ago the half-life of online post is long. I learned along time ago, there are unstable people online, and I'm not even talking about the other posters, you have no way of knowing who is reading these sites. I have known people who were stalked online, then offline, and had to get restraining orders.
I have a daughter to protect, you will not see my name online. You will not see me use her name online. I call her Heulwen online and my cousins were concerned that was her real name.
People have a right to speak there opinion. They have a right to protect themselves. There is fine tradition in this country for people speaking out from behind pen name. Common Sense written anonymously by Thomas Paine comes to mind.
Grafix Avenger · 744 weeks ago
The 'cover' Bajardi, James Barracato (Hudson Shark and Beth Mason webmaster/advisor) and Klaussen used for outing me and disseminating my name online was that I was a 'public official'. OK...
But in fact, the harassment online that followed was of a very personal and destructive nature (soliciting people to Google my address, picture, telephone number... the posting of smears) and had nothing to do with my municipal board service but EVERYTHING to do with blogging opinion they didn't LIKE.
Which is why some folks choose to conceal their identity, out of FEAR of RETRIBUTION for their speech.
Exactly what happened to me. Harassment of a personal nature after my name was published. Anyone who prefers to blog under a psuedonym is their choice and a WISE one. Sense is not cowardice.
David, I do question your decision as a business-operator in town, to so strongly align yourself with persons who are at best controversial, at worst demonic. Of course, it is your right. But not sure it's helpful in terms of broadening your customer base. Just my 2 cents.
khoboken · 744 weeks ago
Have to agree. Not sure why he thinks that the future of his business and Hoboken in general can be found supporting the Russo/Mason Cabal at every turn. He has been pretty relentless in his anti _ mayor barbs. Even when he tires to say something nice, about parking for businesses initiative today, it is always a back handed slap. How come he is not vocal about the Council of No? The money that the Russos owe, the horrendous budget and outrageous taxes that Hoboken pays. The 1M in missing quarters? If he were smart, he would want to lower the taxes aggressively, leaving more disposable income in the pockets of the people to whom his business is targeted. But he seems to be angling to be on the "inside". And inside of the Russo Cabal/Axis of Stupid is not such a smart place for a local business person to be. His wacko posts have actually turned me off to his site. Don't visit at all. And this from someone with a very nice T&E expense account and with several local house accounts. I utiltize other sources to get the same information he is promoting.
Grafix Avenger · 744 weeks ago
Now I've met him and he was pleasant. I wish him success. But being a vocal political partisan, speaking against our mayor at every turn- a mayor who many like and respect- is not likely to grow his business beyond like-minded partisans or the uninformed.
But of course Liebler's got a right to speak up, and I find him entertaining! Where would this thread be without him, after all?
guest · 744 weeks ago
guest8675309 · 744 weeks ago
khoboken · 744 weeks ago
khoboken · 744 weeks ago
EasyE · 744 weeks ago
You may not like what David has to say, and maybe he is being a bit disingenuous but just stick to the facts. If he's being hypocritical or inconsistent, it's pretty easy to see. The other stuff just clouds the issue.
If you want to engage in knuckledragger rationale and tactics, we all know which site is awash in it. This town needs more civility in debate, not more of the same. The people who have bad intentions automatically default to an us-vs-them mentality and do their best to encourage fear mongering tactics. They don't want reasonable discussion, it leaves open the possibility that someone will make a good point and mess up all the hard work that went into manipulating people in the first place. We all have to live together, we're all Hobokenites. You might find that people will listen if you pose a logical, well thought out argument in the face of the half-baked, knee-jerk stupidity so often thrown at the wall to see if it'll stick in this town.
On that note, I'm pretty shocked at how often people show up to council meetings and just yell nonsense at the council. I never found that I get satisfactory results be being overly aggressive. I never shout at people who are in a position to do something for me, because they also in a position to do something against me. Oh and of course, it just makes you look like an unreasonable nutcase standing in front of the council, yelling at them.
OLDNEWCOMER2 · 744 weeks ago
Here's my frank bottom line: if people make their living in some way connected to political decisions, and which faction in up or down, in Hoboken, I don't trust them. Call that a broad brush or 'personal attack' if you like, but I'm 100% convinced the city is/would be better off from a taxpayer's POV if the people running it also pay taxes, and make their living elsewhere, or at least wholly unconnected to Hoboken politics. It's a reason I trust some 'reformers' less than others too, but anybody who supports Nouveau Old Guard (or plain old Old Guard)types like David L does, forget it, anyway.
The thing about 'anonymous posters' is just cheap, meaningless junior-high level debating tactics. Some of us are just ripped off taxpayers, not would be 'playa's' in the Hoboken game. Why should I publish my name and create all kind of hassles? That would be stupid. Take any comment by me FWIW, on its own merits.
guest · 744 weeks ago
Leibler said:
"F-OFF to the haters who keep attacking me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Once I find out exactly who you are (AND I WILL) I will begin my person blog attack on you and you can see how it feels.
Drop the baggage and start listening to the issues that I address.
Focus on looking at it from my point of view for one minute before you decide to attack me.
I am pretty reasonable.
As someone who is very concerned about blogging, wonder if Liebler will bring this quote up for discussion, at the city council meeting.
@TaithBedwenAria · 744 weeks ago
Here is make believe but entirely possible situation. I piss off someone like David. Someone like David acts out on that threat and starts blogging about me. Post pictures of me and my daughter. Posts the times we come and go and the route we take to daycare. Next thing I know some crazy pedophile that reads his blog has all of his research done for him by one mean hearted blogger.
@TaithBedwenAria · 744 weeks ago
Anyone here thing senior is impossible? Didn't the Mason's get mad about someone blogging about their children?
NewCityTimmy · 744 weeks ago
during her last smear campaign?
Hobbs · 744 weeks ago
Playing up to Novak and URSA and that ilk is just good for his bottom line.
khoboken · 744 weeks ago
Vinny Testosterone · 744 weeks ago
@TaithBedwenAria · 744 weeks ago
Ivanna Walk · 744 weeks ago
I don't want to stress your bursa,
Here is my rebuttal,
scuttle the idea of a business shuttle,
am I not too subtle?
Liebler said "People in Hoboken need to get off their lazy asses and walk",
Enough of this idle chatter and talk.
When I lived in Russia's north,
All we did was walk back and forth.
And to some this story may seem old,
but those Russian winters were freaking cold.
So get off your duff and walk around,
parking in the garages is there to be found.
To complain about walking three blocks leads this topic astray,
Business owners should park and walk every day.
So Hoboken workers stop that bithcing and moan,
the problem of customer parking is yours you own.
Happy Kwanza and Festivus!
- Russian atheist Ivanna Walk
Gardiner4Hoboken 90p · 743 weeks ago
Guest · 743 weeks ago
deleted5542758 83p · 743 weeks ago
The rest of his ranting on here is not worth discussing.
David · 743 weeks ago
Keep in mind the Mayor had a meeting about a possible shuttle, so this is classic. What makes this even funnier is the fact that I said IAN did a good thing with the $5 deal. You guys are very funny. Beat down artist!
I was just bringing up the same as a possible good idea, nothing more.
Thanks to all the haters out there who did there best to discourage me from posting.
It did not work :)
I will continue to call them like I see them, speak when I want.
My only change is this: I promise not to get loud at council meetings any longer. After a nice conversation with Peter Cunningham and Eric Kurta, I now realize that I was wrong.
I am sorry for that.
PS: EatDrinkHoboken.com will never be a political site. Just food. I am not H411, nor do I intend on converting to that model.
PSS: Me getting angry before was also out on line, but when the only Hobokenite that voted for Peter blogs on this and MSV....it can get brutal. You guys are a tough bunch. But I respect (most of it), some of it is pure nonsense and rhetoric. I accept the bulls eye and I am ok with it.
Over time we will agree to disagree on issues and maybe every now and then we will agree.
Democracy. Free Speech.
Katie_Scarlett · 743 weeks ago
If the mayor adds the shuttle I'll be vocally against that, too.
Ian is doing a great job trying to improve the traffic nightmare around town, and I am disgusted by a few councilmember's behavior towards him.
I'm not trying to encourage or discourage you from posting, and I never suggested that your site was anything, let alone political. I think it's good that you're going to curb your antics at meetings. I was there, you were unintentionally comical. I hope that you follow through on your changes. And I'm not being polite b/c your threats towards others earlier scared me or anything.
guest · 743 weeks ago
David · 743 weeks ago
When will it end........
Tracey Pierce · 422 weeks ago
Weehawken Real Estate