Update 3/21/2011: I bumped up this article since the thread seems to have some lively discussion.
Original Post 2/14/2011: The Hudson Reporter just published a story that 6th Ward resident Jennifer Giattino has filed her ELECs to run against Nino Giacchi in May for Hoboken City Council.
Original Post 2/14/2011: The Hudson Reporter just published a story that 6th Ward resident Jennifer Giattino has filed her ELECs to run against Nino Giacchi in May for Hoboken City Council.
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Jennifer Giattino |
Jennifer has been a resident since 1998 and will very likely have the support of the current administration based on my sources. She is a champion of quality of life issues and obviously feels it is time to put her hat in the ring. I wish her luck in unseating Nino Giacchi who I happen to like very much as a person, but wholeheartedly disagree with his votes in the Beth Mason grab for power era that now plagues the City of Hoboken which is now in a period of ordinance tabling obstructionism and "chicken hawk" budget politrickery. Kudos to Joe Bronco who was rumored to be also considering a run but in true team player fashion he declined to run for various reasons including not trying to crowd the field.
Jennifer Giattino filed for Hoboken 6th Ward City Council 2-8-2011 |
Link to HR Story: Hudson Reporter Story on Jennifer Giattino
Here is the breakdown for now of the announce candidates and the factions I see them aligned with currently based on my observation and opinions alone:
Hoboken City Council Races 2011:

ss1959 · 736 weeks ago
@lincolnlogger · 736 weeks ago
indiecom · 736 weeks ago
Reformerus_Gianticus · 736 weeks ago
william · 731 weeks ago
Cupid · 731 weeks ago
EasyE · 731 weeks ago
You say they initiate conflicts, so I guess you've heard what the problem is. So, what did they say to you?
william · 731 weeks ago
In fact I do know several "responsible" pet owners in my ward as well as the wards neighboring the 6th that had been berated and confronted by the Giattino's because they passed their house with dogs and had even witnessed for myself several of the incidents all of which had nothing to do with any of the dogs having had an "accident" on their PUBLIC SIDEWALK!
These were regular everyday people that walk their dogs and don't bother anyone. To be confronted violently by two anti-dog nuts in front of their children (the Giattino's children) on a public street without merit says a lot about how the children are raised and how these nuts go about their everyday lives. If it was an isolated incident I would pass it off as someone having a bad day, but it was not it was often and in public.
In fact Jen's husband almost got the living **** kicked out of him by one neighbor from the 6th ward after John came out of his house in a confrontational manner and threatened the guy whom was minding is own business simply passing their house on a PUBLIC SIDEWALK with a small dog. The Giattino's came out yelling that dogs have germs and they do not want them passing their house. I happen to know the neighbor very well that was confronted and he is not one to take any **** from anyone and goes out of his way to look out for not only the neighborhood but for his neighbors and their property as well. I'm certain if he wanted any **** from the Giattino's he would have simply just squeezed their heads.
I'm sure that if this particular neighbor, as well as several others confronted by the Giattino's saw a non-responsable dog owner let their dog **** on the PUBLIC SIDEWALK outside the Giattino's home or any home for that matter and not pick it up he would have addressed it with the non-responsable dog owner and request they clean it up. All the Giattino's did was alienate half of their neighbors by their behavior and actions as well as many of the area pet owners, me included. I have already spoke with several pet owners and residents from the 6th ward and believe me they are NOT voting for Jen Giattino even though they dislike Nino Giacchi, they will vote for him!
ss1959 · 731 weeks ago
Grafix Avenger · 731 weeks ago
Did you ever file a police complaint? How do you back up this up? OK, we heard your one-note tune. Move on.
Arthur · 730 weeks ago
EasyE · 731 weeks ago
It doesn't matter how long you've lived here, or anywhere for that matter, 12 or 40, no one has more rights than anyone else.
william · 731 weeks ago
Hoboken has probably well over 1000 dogs in it and those dog owners are also voters and I can already see if Jen won this election she would obviously attempt to draft some type of citywide anti-dog legislation and believe me when I tell you this, I've already spoken to many 6th ward residents and pet owners that had similar run-in's with her and her husband and they are already alienated and will vote against her. I'm not the only one letting people know about this.
HobokenReformer · 731 weeks ago
And by the way, who to hell cares for how many years you have lived in Hoboken?! I hate to break it to you, but you get one voice and one voice only, no matter whether you have lived here for a year or a century.
william · 731 weeks ago
Gardiner4Hoboken 90p · 731 weeks ago
Let the games begin.
william · 731 weeks ago
Gardiner4Hoboken 90p · 731 weeks ago
Cupid · 731 weeks ago
william · 731 weeks ago
So when Jen sits down and says to her husband why is this happening to me, the answer to that question is "you, you are why this is happening. You brought this on yourself". I guess you never thought that all the people you initiated conflicts with that walked down 7th street with their dogs on a PUBLIC STREET were simply going to forget about your behavior........think again because those same people are 6th ward residents or are friends of 6th ward residents and believe me they don't forget.
As for the Russo's, which have absolutely nothing to do concerning this issue, and the healthcare scandal, the entire Russo family are a bunch of thieving scumbags that should have been in jail going as far back as the mid 1980's for the thievery and crimes they have committed against the Hoboken Taxpayers. To see Fat Mike Russo and his mother and even former Mayor Russo' sr. free and on the streets is probably one of the only things in my life that actually shocks me. It was obvious Russo Sr. was committing insurance fraud and Fat Mike knew about it. Both should be sent to jail for their crimes. When aren't the Russo's involved in a scandal that should be the question?
Oh, and BTW why is Jen's buddy Dawn Zimmer NOT pursuing any criminal complaints or initiating any criminal investigations into Russo receiving the said "non-entitled medical benefits" paid for since 2003 on the Hoboken Taxpayers dime? What does she have to hide and why is she NOT contacting the New Jersey State Attorney Generals Office or the Newark Division of the FBI requesting they investigate the matter. Somebody in city hall had signed off on Russo's benefits and continued to do so so whom is the culprit as Dawn had put it in her own words that they are NOT looking for?
Considering that you brought that "scandal" up, I'll even go further and play devils advocate.....because you opened doors so I'll be happy to enter them. Did Jen file her financial disclosure information when she signed on to run for 6th ward council? Did Jen mention her home business funwelldone.com where she is what "CEO and president" of? Did she file the appropriate tax documentation to run such a business in New Jersey where she sells overpriced clay and crayons to people online. And did all those earnings Jen made since 2007, allegedly when the company was founded in her living room, get taxed by the State of New Jersey and the IRS or did Jen conveniently overlook that income as under the table pocket money and keep that a secret from Uncle Sam?
I mean she claims she worked on wall street for 10 years or so, and we all know what wall street did to this country over the last couple of years, was Jen part of the problem, we all know wall street is filled with thieves and liars correct? Could that be a coincidence? wink, wink.
EasyE · 731 weeks ago
Tax dodger.
Evil Wall St. Fat Cat.
Did I forget anything?
Guess Who · 731 weeks ago
Cupid · 731 weeks ago
william · 731 weeks ago
TonyH · 731 weeks ago
Is Nino paying his parking tax?
Commercial parking rentals are required to
william · 731 weeks ago
TonyH · 731 weeks ago
back in the Roberts era when nino was a General, he parked at Stevens lot.
Dave Roberts himself used to talk about it.
Don't need to ask Nino, he's the public official. He needs to recuse himself from any and all votes regarding Stevens if he TOOK this FREEBIE!
guest1 · 731 weeks ago
Just a guess: As you say this is about a dog, it probably has something to do with the dog owners lack of clean up and the request to do so.
While you may have been insulted regarding a dog issue, most people probably believe municipal fiscal responsiblity and quality of life improvements trump your personal vendetta.
william · 731 weeks ago
EasyE · 731 weeks ago
I find it fascinating that people who live in Hoboken are equally tough and so easily frightened at the same time. For example, her husband ALMOST got his ass kicked by so-and-so who supposedly doesn't take any guff from anyone (except in this case, because nothing happened), and on the other hand you all live in fear of a neighborhood dictatorship?
Man up.
If you don't have the stones for that, call the cops if you're actually being verbally or physically threatened. What I can surmise is that you're actually just being confronted by an unhappy neighbor and it's no more than that. I don't want dogs crapping in front of my stairs either, and if I saw someone doing it I would probably say something too. So do yourself, and your neighbor a favor, walk 6 more feet and let Fido do it there instead. Is compromise such a hard concept to grasp??
Holy crap, why do I have to even point this out?
Oh that's right because you're actually a troll, you don't care about the dog issue, you just use it to introduce yourself into the discussion like you're just a regular Joe... Lo and behold, the real reason you're here is to ask unsubstantiated, vague references to "shady deals".
Putting a hiring freeze on new hires to sweep the streets, and clerks to file papers is one thing. Staff to assist the Mayor is a different story. Everyone gets all in a twitter about who she's hired, and it's pretty funny to me. If the Mayor needs staff to take care of business, I am fine with that. ANY executive needs reliable staff that they know and trust. One way to find out is through people's work on your campaign, or previous work together in another capacity. An Executive's job is to delegate their authority to their subordinates to get sh!t done.
It works in the private sector and national politics too. The President's Cabinet members for example. In my own work, I don't hire or recommend people I don't know PERIOD. I don't care what their credentials are, because if they turn out to be a problem, then it's MY credibility that's shot.
TonyH · 731 weeks ago
My Guess is Jen Hates PIGS not Dogs...the owners who allow the poop and pee on stoops.
hobojoe · 731 weeks ago
William, if you are this wound-up about someone you feel is trying to be "dictator" of her block, I cannot even begin to fathom the disdain you must have for the woman who is presently abusing her position of city council president to act as dictator of the entire city. You know, the one who singlehandedly throws things off the agenda, shuffles speaking orders, ignores Roberts rules of order, and on and on. You must be outraged at her! But wait - Nino was there Saturday supporting this dictator of the entire city! How can you support him, when he approves of such dictatorial actions?!?
Cupid · 731 weeks ago
Guess Who · 731 weeks ago
william = crank
william · 731 weeks ago
guest1 · 731 weeks ago
Would you be more or less likely to vote for a person if he/she allows your dog to sh(* on their porperty without asking you to clean it up?
Would you be more or less likely to vote for a person who asks dog owners to pick up after their pets?
Would you be more or less likely to vote for someone who made dogs sh(*tting on personal property a priorty of their campaign?
ss1959 · 731 weeks ago
william · 731 weeks ago
You say that Jen is concerned with the quality of life in Hoboken correct? Is Jen worried about the humans that **** and piss on the Hoboken sidewalks during the St. Patricks Day Parade? The same sidewalks she walks her kids to school on and in the parks where her kids play and she sunbathes all day? I guess not considering the many pictures Jen has of her marching in the parade on her websites. She also used the parade as a nice photo-op posting several pics with her and the local politico's.
Is Jen concerned about the quality of life issues that are brought on by the St. Pat's Day Parade where drunk out of towner's, piss and **** and puke or have sex in peoples front gates, on their stoops, on their vehicles, and at times in their hallways? What about the registered sex offenders that use the Hoboken Shelter as their home address which is right next to a public school and one block away from two other public schools?
There was no mention of her opposition to moving the parade to a weekday right, because it did not fit into the plan of her buddy Dawn Zimmer. I don't see Jen out there demanding a stop to the parade once and for all, do you? What would you rather pick up from in front of your house a pile of dog **** or human ****? It only took a few rapes, dozens of assaults, a couple fires, and a few $100k in property damage before Zimmer finally addressed the parade issue....so where was Jens take on that or is it all about the dogs?
Zimmer had already signed off on several sweetheart development deals and backtracked on others that will cost the taxpayers millions in legal fee's and damages because the city will lose in court for multiple breaches of contract. And Dawn was the one whom brought in the corner car program that takes away substantial parking from Hoboken residents. In fact 1/2 the people in Church Towers should be evicted because they do not meet the financial criteria to even have obtained a unit in the towers.
Cupid · 731 weeks ago
deleted9879414 85p · 731 weeks ago
EasyE · 731 weeks ago
Yeah! That's a good question! Someone get her to make a statement on her position on dog poo vs people poo. Inquiring minds want to know.
There are 40 corner cars. Over 1000 people signed up for them. Is math hard?
ss1959 · 731 weeks ago
ss1959 · 731 weeks ago
redraven · 731 weeks ago
khoboken · 731 weeks ago
redraven · 731 weeks ago
william · 731 weeks ago
khoboken · 731 weeks ago
InfotainMe · 731 weeks ago
Oh, it's going to be a great morning on May the 11th.
khoboken · 731 weeks ago
william · 731 weeks ago
deleted8670214 100p · 731 weeks ago
deleted9879414 85p · 731 weeks ago
william · 731 weeks ago
deleted8670214 100p · 731 weeks ago
innie nino miny moe · 731 weeks ago
Cupid · 731 weeks ago
Julie Steinberg · 731 weeks ago
deleted8670214 100p · 731 weeks ago
william · 731 weeks ago
khoboken · 731 weeks ago
Guest · 731 weeks ago
Hobbs · 731 weeks ago
deleted8670214 100p · 731 weeks ago
william · 731 weeks ago
EasyE · 731 weeks ago
deleted8670214 100p · 731 weeks ago
william · 731 weeks ago
ss1959 · 731 weeks ago
william · 731 weeks ago
WilliamTell · 731 weeks ago
WilliamTell · 731 weeks ago
WilliamTell · 731 weeks ago
Mommywitch · 731 weeks ago
You say Jen hates dogs, well what about the Giacchi family suing a neighbor who restored a dilapidated brownstone 10 years ago only to be routinely harassed by the councilman and his mother?
Using City influence to halt work and harass a young couple who invested millions into their home...
BTW have the Giacchi's gotten construction permits for ALL of their improvements on their investment properties?
deleted8670214 100p · 731 weeks ago
Guest · 731 weeks ago
deleted8670214 100p · 731 weeks ago
Grafix Avenger · 731 weeks ago
The geniuses at Swibinski Labs may be re-tooling their next paid character-assassin. He must be paying minimum wage with the nitwits he dispatches over here.
JJM24 · 730 weeks ago
dhudson4061 · 724 weeks ago
William says he's just a concerned citizen. Obviously as a born and raised Hobokenite he knows Nino and Dave Roberts and others where he lives. It seems as if he's on some kind of campaign payroll.
Notsoloyal · 724 weeks ago
dhudson4061 · 724 weeks ago
Voice of Reason · 724 weeks ago
arslan672 119p · 447 weeks ago
arslan672 119p · 447 weeks ago
arslan672 119p · 447 weeks ago
arslan672 119p · 447 weeks ago
arslan672 119p · 447 weeks ago
arslan672 119p · 447 weeks ago
arslan672 119p · 447 weeks ago