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Silence of the Soares- Gag order? |
Regarding Tony's personal attacks on me, all I can say it is a small town and word eventually gets back. Personally, I have had enough of Tony Soares' vitriol to last a lifetime over the last few weeks. It isn't about whether or not he is qualified to sit on a board or whether or not he will fight on the issues or not. We all know Tony is a fighter. The core issue is that when the conduct of a person becomes detrimental to the goals many of us in the reform movement are hoping for, something must be done about it. Instead of setting boundaries on behavioral limits, I believe Mr. Soares has been rewarded for bad behavior and that for me is at the crux of the problem with last week's appointments. Others in reform have issues with some of the other positions awarded last week but for me the core issue is Tony sitting on two boards and his arrogant attitude about it. The people have spoken yet the Lenz, Marsh, and Soares Triumvirate so far have officially remained silent. Real leadership doesn't go into a shell when things go wrong. They deal with it, communicate effectively and then move on.
Again, intellect and his experience notwithstanding, I now view Tony Soares as the cancer of the reform movement. When you have cancer and catch it early enough it is best to cut it out so it doesn't continue to metastasize, fester and grow out of control like Tony has. I believe I am not alone in this assessment and many perhaps will remain silent for fear of backlash. As far as I am concerned, reform needs to move away from the madness of "King Tony" and his massive ego. It would be for the betterment of Hoboken and the slow march towards better governance.
Additional Comment: I do realize this post may come across as personal but I can assure you there is an underlying political statement about my position. Many people would be more naturally inclined to help Mike Lenz if it were not for Tony Soares' involvement in that campaign. His threatening of lawsuits for simply stating opinion, veiled threats about my and other's employment, duplicity in dealing with people and hypocrisy are really at the heart of the matter. It is most certainly not about me or just this recent issue. I feel a line has been crossed but I do remind readers I am but one of many voices in the reform movement. Others may feel differently and I am fine with that. I have spoken my mind finally after remaining quiet on this for some time now. ◦

deleted5542758 83p · 765 weeks ago
knowitall · 764 weeks ago
Katie_Scarlett · 764 weeks ago
Katie_Scarlett · 764 weeks ago
Gardiner4Hoboken 90p · 764 weeks ago
Guest II · 764 weeks ago
ss1959 · 764 weeks ago
RideFast · 765 weeks ago
khboken · 765 weeks ago
If he does make a move, then he will be a pariah in Hoboken. He is then no different than that scum 411 or Barracato.
Bet Mazin · 764 weeks ago
He's working hard as a hired gun for me and reform. Soon he may be needed again by other reformers.
It could be any of us who need his services. Please keep this in mind before you criticize.
Redrider765 · 765 weeks ago
Tony is just proving how much he really cares only about Tony and how much he could care less about anyone but Tony.
Das Klaussen · 765 weeks ago
Keep this up jolly green giant and Oscar and I will give you ghostwriting rights on Hoboken411!
Our ghostwriter sucks. No one listens to him and we don't even get many comments.
Would you like to help my crappy website?
We'll give you rights to comment on your own story too. You can have two or three screen names and then comment on how great your ghostwritten story is.
Multiple screen names, ghostwriter status, what more can you ask for?
p1ywood 98p · 765 weeks ago
davidd · 765 weeks ago
For people opposed to someone being on two boards I the point has been made. Any future applicant for second board is going to make it clear they will resign the first. There is nothing to be gained from belaboring the point. I don't think that anything is going be done about the NHSA appointment now, the solutions create as many problems as they solve.
Everyone involved should have perspective. Infighting is only going to turn people off and let Cammarano types put 'the machine' back in to power.
khoboken · 765 weeks ago
Guest II · 765 weeks ago
Not being privy to any of TS's alleged behavior with you over this matter I will take you at your word.
What makes a good revolutionary sometimes does not make a good statesman.
No one person is or should be of greater importance than the overall reform movement in Hoboken.
OLDNEWCOMER2 · 765 weeks ago
Catrina07030 58p · 765 weeks ago
khoboken · 765 weeks ago
Boink · 765 weeks ago
indiecom · 765 weeks ago
Redrider765 · 765 weeks ago
p1ywood 98p · 764 weeks ago
Anonymous Goat · 765 weeks ago
One day someone will get hurt or killed because of all the name calling and taunting and it will be that day that we all get revealed, the town gets smeared once again and the next day we will all go online and post about it under different names. I think we should all watch what we say and go back to work and leave the online bickering alone for awhile.
Katie_Scarlett · 764 weeks ago
Anonymous Goat · 764 weeks ago
Redrider765 · 764 weeks ago
Katie_Scarlett · 764 weeks ago
khoboken · 764 weeks ago
Redrider765 · 764 weeks ago
khokenob · 764 weeks ago
Katie_Scarlett · 764 weeks ago
khoboken · 764 weeks ago
Katie_Scarlett · 764 weeks ago
Carol doesn't have to. She has 3 years before she's up for re-election.
Peter has almost a year, and quite frankly, I think he voted for Tony b/c Carol & Michael put the pressure on him to do so (him and the other reformers).--and no, I don't have proof of that sentiment, it's just a gut feeling.
But Michael has 3 months, and a tough fight ahead of him. Instead of addressing this issue, he has chosen to arrogantly remain silent. He knows that he believed that position came with benefits (at least for the 12 hours post Tony's appointment). He knows that there's evidence of that floating around cyberspace. He also knows that Tony didn't deny it came with benefits when questioned about that by Claire Moses of Hoboken Patch. But instead of crediting the people for having a brain, he's arrogantly sitting back and pretending that this will go away.
That is why I am still discussing this. YOU HEAR THAT MICHAEL, I KNOW YOU'RE READING THIS - ADDRESS THE ISSUE, WE'RE NOT AS DUMB AS YOU'D LIKE TO BELIEVE. I challenge you to address it honestly, too. If you lie, I will post every single piece of evidence I have that shows you're lying. EVERY PIECE. And there's plenty.
I'm done. I'm sick and tired of being lied to by politicians. If I wanted liars and thieves in office, I'd vote for more Russos and Cammaranos.
Guest II · 764 weeks ago
I too would hope that statements are made a quickly and completely but I doubt any answer will satiate you at this point.
Katie_Scarlett · 764 weeks ago
He's had almost a week. At this point he's made up his spin and is waiting it out hoping this dies before he has to use it. You don't have to believe me about what I'm saying, send him an email and ask him outright about the benefits. If he says he didn't know, I can prove he's lying.
Guest II · 764 weeks ago
I do not know what was known by whom or when, if you do then I would ask you to find a way to communicate that in another way other than the blogs.
A "TIMMAY" in office would be a set back for the reform movement and I hope to be working with you to prevent that from happening.
Has hell just frozen over ?
Katie_Scarlett · 764 weeks ago
I've communicated what I know over the blogs. I just haven't proven it. :-D
The entire purpose of my public flogging is to clean the air for our team. Reform has to be able to say "We don't like when "they" do this, so we don't allow our people to do it either." IF that means we castigate them until they come out and apologize, and admit wrong doing, but swear it was a lapse in judgment, then at least we can tell ourselves and others that the difference is that when we stumble, we hold ourselves accountable and we try to fix the situation.
Ignoring this issue, on the part of Lenz and Tony, gives credibility to what surely will be Timmay's line of attack - they're the same story, different crew. And how can you argue against it when Mike does nothing but act in that manner. At least Tony is just appointed, the responsibility to clear the air rests with Mike.
We must make Lenz distinguish himself from the bad cells. Let's face it, he's been good when it comes to finance & keeping Russo's b.s in check. Even I will admit that. In fact, he's been good outside of the meglomania he's displaying right now. And given that this is what has troubled me about him from the get go (the "too smart for his own good"), I'm livid that he chose now, and not December 2010 after he won to put it out there for everyone to see. Now he may have cost himself (and us) an election.
Guest II · 764 weeks ago
DaHorsey 50p · 764 weeks ago
Discussion on doing an interview with Tony Soares ended Monday where he opted not to but he did agree to answer one question and it's in yesterday's story.
So far the City Council members have not weighed in.
Mr. Kates and his legal team are looking to answer the questions on their side and will get back as soon as they can.
MSV will be following up.
Guest II · 764 weeks ago
Katie_Scarlett · 764 weeks ago
but that is just my opinion based on the deafening silence thus far.
khoboken · 764 weeks ago
Guest II · 764 weeks ago
p1ywood 98p · 764 weeks ago
p1ywood 98p · 764 weeks ago
Redrider765 · 764 weeks ago
Guest II · 764 weeks ago
khoboken · 764 weeks ago
Katie_Scarlett · 764 weeks ago
Unlikely to work, but does he know that?
I don't know. Just a question I'm throwing out there.
khoboken · 764 weeks ago
The sound of Guest II responding.
Guest II · 764 weeks ago
khoboken · 764 weeks ago
Redrider765 · 764 weeks ago
khoboken · 764 weeks ago
Guest II · 764 weeks ago
khoboken · 764 weeks ago
OLDNEWCOMER2 · 764 weeks ago
But the main issue is not silence on blogs, but just how low down old Hoboken this smells. Before it also went generally silent, Hoboken Revolt's blog was a good place to get attacked by Soares if you suggested...that there should be a revolt against high taxes! The 411 crowd is mainly full of crap, but even a broken clock tells the time twice a day, and they are basically right about Lenz, Soares and Marsh. Not the despicable personal attacks on those three, but just the basic fact that these 'long term activists' have in fact just become pretty regular Hoboken/Hudson Cty political operatives, and/or professional or semi-pro 'public servants' with a natural conflict of interest v what has to be done to shrink the Hoboken/Hudson County public sector to where taxes could ever be reasonable, which is the main issue of many Zimmer voters.
tburns · 764 weeks ago
"My voice is always heard - sometimes a little too loudly, I'll admit - on the side of reform: open government, quality services, and fiscal responsibility. I get mad when people act like ethical standards don't apply here in Hudson County - or that nothing can be done. Something can always be done, if enough people get involved."
So, yeah, ethical standards apply even here in Hudson County. They even apply to those who cloak themselves in the mantel of the "reformer" label.
Gardiner4Hoboken 90p · 764 weeks ago
khoboken · 764 weeks ago
Catrina07030 58p · 764 weeks ago
Redrider765 · 764 weeks ago
Rachel Goldberg · 764 weeks ago
This is pure political BS, and is a key entry in the Lenz playbook; it was a hallmark of the Roberts, Marsh, and Zimmer campaigns. There are a few of us that have felt that this was not beneficial to Hoboken and as a result began to distance ourselves from campaigns he was involved in.
To be a reformer is not to be good or evil, it is about changing the governmental systems for the better. I am heartened to see people start to question whether some of the council's decisions truly represent good government, if for no other reason then that it shows that true dialogue can begin.
Tony is great on the Zoning Board, and he will probably be great on the Sewage Board, but if he, Marsh, and Lenz are committed to their principles of good government, the clear issues would have been addressed prior to Tony accepting this position. Is there a logical tie between these boards- maybe, but we have yet to see any one of these leaders stand up to defend their position on this basis. In the case of Russo and Castellano, this does little to diminish them as strong politicians; they understand how to step across the aisle for the benefit of their constituencies. For those of you who have heard "Reformer" language about how the Russos failed Hoboken, I hope this gives you pause to question what you really know about them, or any of the other folks who are so continually bashed for expressing their opinions.
Many have viewed Scott and I as Reformer-deserters, but I think that this provides an example of the reason behind our choices. Good government is responsible and transparent. It involves all parts of the community, and solicits support from a wide variety of groups. Good government does more than reward its supporters, it holds them all accountable as a part of a contract that benefits society. Many might ask us why we supported Peter: the answer is simple, he was a wolf in wolf's clothing, and making Hoboken better was clearly important to his future at the State and National levels. By approaching us and talking with us, he crossed the “aisle” and took strong criticism about his choices. Ultimately, we were angry and upset at the events and have remained dismayed at the negativity that has become pervasive in Hoboken political dialogue.
For Hoboken to truly grow and flourish, the 'reformer' movement must go beyond the rhetoric and become a critical friend to the Mayor, the administration, and the council.
While my family heads westward to large parks and truly forward-thinking communities, I will hold fast to my dream of a Hoboken where government does not cater to whoever will give the vote, where people from different backgrounds and experiences come together to celebrate community, and where there is no 'good' or 'evil'- there is just a concerted effort toward a higher quality of life for every person in the mile square.
Guest · 764 weeks ago
p1ywood 98p · 764 weeks ago
deleted5542758 83p · 764 weeks ago
This post and your ridiculous rant at the city council meeting where Lenz was appointed as 4th Ward Councilman is embarrassing. You should really reconsider speaking in public and/or using your own name. Your own ambitions + limited intellect are what led you to be the political joke you are today. And let's face it, you barely made it out of town sans tar and feathers. You're a pariah, you have no credibility, and your jealousy of all women more successful than you (read: the mayor) is palpable.
Instead of looking to blame others for your comedown, maybe you should take a loooooong look in the mirror and realize that your own ambitions blinded you to just how much of a caricature of yourself you've become. Peter Cammarano? Puh-lease. Anyone with half a brain believes you backed him in the hopes of parlaying a political job for yourself and/or your husband. Tell us again how that worked out. Better yet, don't. Just go away.
Gardiner4Hoboken 90p · 764 weeks ago
OLDNEWCOMER2 · 764 weeks ago
But she just underlines the real point: it's really hard to defend the whole Zimmer thing when you have Lenz. Soares and Marsh acting more or less as their critics would predict. I'm not saying it's impossible or condemns Mayor Zimmer to failure, but aside from attacking the messenger, and her nonsense about open minded and forward looking Jersey 'burbs, how can you really counter her? Soares *is* all about old style Hoboken politics, shifting Machiavellian alliances, personality centered resentments and personal attacks, cronyism, and now Zimmer's major allies have endorsed it. It's not the end of the world, but a bad episode.
fordeprigot 31p · 764 weeks ago
Redrider765 · 764 weeks ago
OLDNEWCOMER2 · 764 weeks ago
redraven · 764 weeks ago
OLDNEWCOMER2 · 764 weeks ago
But it really galls me when those same people start engaging in Old Hoboken political behavior like Mike gettting his buddy Tony another job. That's the context of my reaction; the pre-existing problem is those two as prominent in 'high tax reform' wing, not 'antipathy' by me.
Redrider765 · 764 weeks ago
BTW - you seem to forgot that the government of Hoboken and NJ as a whole violated that contract w/ society years ago. You willingly aligned yourself w/ the candidate who represented the interests of those people who ripped up that contract (unions). So not surprised that a few people don't look to kindly on your preaching.
fordeprigot 31p · 764 weeks ago
You acknowledge that you knowingly advocated electing a "wolf in wolf's clothing" to the Mayor's seat but totally ignore the potential social, economic, and legal impacts of that choice to our community. Thankfully Peter was removed from office before he could ground friends and neighbors of yours who didn't support him "into powder". BTW your chosen "wolf" is due to be sentenced on August 3rd for accepting cash bribes, during the election and while he was Mayor, and all of Hoboken is a better off for him being gone.
That your own definition of reform is in such open conflict with your actions of the last 2 years and that you can't see it is disappointing. I frankly doubt you'll ever be able to understand that reform never left you, it was you who left reform.
I wish you and your family good times far away from Hoboken.
be well.
Das Klaussen · 764 weeks ago
Please come back to a City Council meeting and read to us some select passages from Peter Cammarano's campaign literature. That's one of your best pastimes and Hoboken really would love to have you do that in your sweetest Peter Cammarano loving voice.
You are not deserter. You are welcome anytime to support us at Hobo411. I have a minion you will find very sexy. A sexy little Hobo411 minion for you Rachel awaits.
Okay, we are preparing a secret get together with the Russos at the St. Ann's feast. You are invited for your fealty to the Old Guard of Hoboken corruption.
Katie_Scarlett · 764 weeks ago
Mattaccino · 764 weeks ago
p1ywood 98p · 764 weeks ago
arslan672 119p · 446 weeks ago